Product Status
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    Product Status

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    Article summary

    Shows the product status of the tracked products.

    Mapp Intelligence differentiates between:

    • Viewed in List
      A product was viewed on a product overview page (status "list").
      Requires the use of the corresponding plugin.

    • Viewed
      A product was viewed on a product detail page. This is based on the product tracking (status "view").

    • Added to Cart
      A product was added to the shopping cart. This is based on the product tracking (status "add")

    • Added to Wishlist
      A product was added to a wishlist. This is based on the product tracking (status "add-wl")

    • Removed from Wishlist
      A product was removed from a wishlist. This is based on the product tracking (status "del-wl")

    • Removed from Cart
      A product was removed from a shopping cart. This is based on the product tracking (status "del")

    • Checkout
      The checkout has been reached with the product in the cart. This is based on the product tracking (status "checkout")

    • Purchased
      A product was purchased. This is based on the product tracking (status "conf")

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