Qty Orders
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    Qty Orders

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    Article summary

    Shows how many orders were tracked. 

    Short Facts


    A user views different pages and performs an order at 13:05 o'clock:

    • Days Analysis:
      At the corresponding day, one order has been tracked:

    • Pages Analysis:
      As the strongest scope between the dimension "Pages" and the metric "Qty Orders" is "Pages", the order is only counted for the order confirmation page.

    You can adapt the metric scope, e.g., to "Visits". In this case all pages within the visit (cart, payment method, order confirmation) would have the value "1" for Qty Orders.

    Example for using this metric in a filter:

    • Show only visits in which exactly one order was performed:

    • Show only data of users who did not perform an order in the analysis period:

    Similar Figures

    Conversion Rate %
    User Profile - Orders
    Qty Orders ([attribution model], [internal|external campaign]), [website goal]

    Further Information

    Training document Basic Metrics
    FAQ "Why does the quantity of orders in Mapp Intelligence not match with the numbers obtained from the backend of my own shop system?

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