Qty Products, Unique
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    Qty Products, Unique

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    Article summary

    Shows the number of different products.

    Please note that this metric is calculated independently of the product status. Therefore, we recommend to filter by the product status; alternatively, you can use the product status or product categories that contain this status as a dimension (e.g., "viewed products").

    Short Facts


    Two users view several products:

    • Days analysis
      On the corresponding day 3 "Qty Products, Unique" are shown, because three different products were viewed on that day.

    • Product status analysis
      Often it is useful to differentiate between the different product statuses:
      Note that we now count uniquely by status.

    Example for using this dimension in a filter:

    • Show only visitors that got in touch with at least three different products (independently of the product status):

    Similar Figures

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