Qty Sources
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    Qty Sources

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    Article summary

    Shows, how often the referrers were tracked. All referrer types (search engine, social media referrers, other sources) are taken into account.

    Short Facts


    A user visits your website via Google (Referrer: "www.google.com") and starts with viewing the page "home". She afterwards views the pages "search" and "product view".

    • Days Analysis (Visitors > Time > Days)

    • Referrer Url Analysis (Marketing > Referrer > Referrer URLs)

    Changing the metric scope for Page Impressions will have the effect that all Page Impressions in the visit are counted. In the example, this would yield 3 Page Impressions. 

    • Pages Analysis (Navigation > Pages > Pages)

    Changing the metric scope for Qty Sources will have the effect that all referrers in the visit are counted. In the example, this would yield 3 Page Impressions. 

    Example for using this metric in a filter:

    Show only visits where exactly two referrers were measured:

    This includes the case that the same referrer has been measured 2 times.

    The Auto scope is Visits. Alternatively, you could explicitly choose the scope Visits.

    Similar Figures

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    Organic Source %
    Qty Campaign Source
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    Further Information

    Training document Referrer Analyses

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