Real-Time Dashboard (window)
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    Real-Time Dashboard (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the  ​Top Navigation​, click    |  .
      ⇒ The real-time dashboard opens.


    Review traffic for a specific pixel, audience, campaign, or advertiser. You can rearrange the dashboard to reflect your preferences or priorities simply by dragging and dropping the blocks to the desired positions.

    The real-time dashboard displays events in the UTC time zone.




    ​Filter Type​

    Select from the drop-down list the type of item whose performance you want to review. The options are:

    • Pixel

    • Audience

    • Campaign

    • Advertiser

    ​Filter On​

    Select from the drop-down list the specific items whose real-time performance you want to review. The options that are displayed reflect the object type that you selected in the ​Filter Type​ drop-down list.




    Total Events

    Indicates the total number of events as they are triggered in real time. This total reflects all events that the dashboard monitors, including webform interactions and scroll events.

    Pixel Loads

    Shows the number of pixels as they fire in real time as a result of user interactions with on-site pixels, custom events, and custom success events.


    Shows the number of clicks that your creatives receive in real time. You can see the click traffic over the last 12 hours and compare it to the click traffic of the day before. To view the traffic on a minute-by-minute basis, hover over the timeline for the period you want to see.

    Click statistics are generated from the click trackers that you exported from an on-site pixel and inserted into creatives that are managed on an external platform.


    Shows the number of impressions that are loaded onto webpages in real time. You can see the traffic trend of your impressions over the last 12 hours and compare it to traffic that occurred the day before. To view the traffic on a minute-by-minute basis, hover over the timeline for the period you want to see.

    Impression statistics are generated from the impression trackers that you exported from an on-site pixel and inserted into creatives that are managed on an external platform.

    ​Unique Users​

    Shows the number of unique users that are collected by the on-site pixels, custom events, custom success events, click trackers, and impression trackers.

    ​Average Time On Site​

    Shows the average time length of time a visitor spends on the pages of the website where the on-site pixel resides.

    ​Average Scroll Depth​

    Shows the average amount that a visitor scrolled down in pages of the website where the on-site pixel resides.

    ​Media Costs​

    The media costs that are collected by impression trackers. Note that this functionality is only available for impressions that are managed by AppNexus.

    ​Global Total Events​

    Shows in real time the countries where the traffic is occurring.

    Related Topics​

    Create a Custom Audience​
    ​Add a Lookalike Audience​

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