Remove Custom Attribute Enumeration
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    Remove Custom Attribute Enumeration

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    Article summary


    To remove an enumeration from an existing custom attribute.

    After the enumeration is removed, there is no longer any restriction on the values that can be stored in the attribute. However, the values that were saved in the enumerated attribute remain saved in the individual attributes.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, click ​Administration​ > ​Attributes​.
      ⇒The ​Attribute Management​ window opens.

    2. In the ​Actions​ menu of the desired attribute, select ​Remove Enumeration​.

      A confirmation window opens.

    3. Click ​Save​.

      Mapp Engage converts the enumerated attribute into a regular attribute and sends a confirmation email. The values that were saved in the enumerated attribute remain in the system.

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