Reschedule a Message Sendout
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    Reschedule a Message Sendout

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    Article summary


    To reschedule a message for sendout at a different date or time.


    A message has been created and scheduled for sendout at a future date and time.

    The sendout process takes place on the user interface of Mapp Engage. This means that the message is now saved in the Processed Messages Overview window (see ​Processed Messages Overview (window)​).


    1. Click ​Messages> Outbox> Email or SMS​ in the Main Navigation.
      ⇒  The ​Processed Messages Overview ​ window opens.

    2. In the column ​Status​, apply the filter ​Scheduled.
      ⇒  The messages that are scheduled for sendout are displayed.

    3. Next to the message, you would like to reschedule, click ​Reschedule.
      ⇒  The ​ Schedule Message ​ window appears.

    4. In the input field ​Scheduled for​, enter the new date and time for sendout.

    5. It is possible to send the message in the time zone of the recipients. Choose the desired time zone from the drop-down list. The message is sent at the scheduled time in the chosen time zone.

    6. Click the button ​Reschedule.
      ⇒  The sendout has been rescheduled. The ​Processed Messages Overview​ window is opened. In the column ​Sendout Date​, the new sendout date and time are displayed. Mapp Engage automatically begins sendout at the new time.

    Please be aware that the sendout time frame can also be set for an entire group in the Group Sendout Options tab (see ​Sendout Options (tab)​). If the sendout time defined in the ​Prepare Sendout​ window conflicts with the sendout timeframe defined for the group, the sendout will be delayed until the timeframe of the group settings begins.

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