Save Draft as Prepared Message
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    Save Draft as Prepared Message

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    Article summary


    To create a prepared message.

    Background Information​

    A prepared message is saved message that you assign to a group.

    You can use one prepared message for multiple future sendouts. You can send one prepared message multiple times.

    In Mapp Engage, prepared messages have many uses:

    • Automatically send messages in ​Automations​ or on a whiteboard. Examples include a daily birthday email or a series of welcome messages.

    • Manually send group messages with the ​Copy & Send action.

    • Create a template for system messages.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, select Create New> ​Message​.
      ⇒  The ​Message Creation​ window opens.

    2. Select your Message Type

    3. Add your message content and click ​Prepare Sendout​.
      ⇒  The Prepare Sendout window opens

    4. From the ​Group​ drop-down list, select a group.

    5. In the ​Action​ area, select ​Saved as Prepared Message​.

    6. To use the prepared message as a template for system messages, click the ​Create System Message​ checkbox.

    7. Click ​Save Prepared Message​.
       ⇒  The message is saved as a prepared message.
             You can view or edit the message in the ​Prepared Messages​ window.
             The prepared messages available for use in selections and automations.

    Related Topics​

    ​Prepared Messages​
    ​Create Templates for System Messages​
    Prepared Messages Overview (window)​

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