Select Message Channel Type
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    Select Message Channel Type

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    Create New​ > ​Message


    ​Step 1. Type​ is the first step of the message creation process in Mapp Engage. Here, you enter basic information about your message and select the channel for your message:

    The first step of message creation is identical for Email, SMS, and Mobile Push messages. The following steps in the message creation process vary according to the type that you select. Once you create a message, you cannot change the type. If you need a different type of message, start a new message creation process.



    ​Message Name​

    Defines the name of the message in Mapp Engage.

    The internal message name helps you find a message elsewhere in the system (for example, in the Mapp Engage statistics area). The message name is not visible to the recipient of the message.


    Defines a description of the message.

    The description is an optional input field and not visible to the message recipient. Use the description to identify the message in your system.

    ​External Message ID​

    Defines an extra reference number for your message. The external message ID is optional.

    The external message ID adds an extra parameter to each link in the message. This ID can be used to track statistics in external web analytics or eCommerce systems. For more information, see ​Parameters in Message Links​.


    Defines one or more internal labels for your message.

    A tag is a keyword assigned to an element in Mapp Engage. It becomes part of the element metadata and can be used as search criteria. Tags are optional.

    • To enter multiple tags, enter a comma or space between terms or use the [ Enter ] key.

    • To enter tags with more than one word, use quotation marks and press [ Enter ] . For example, "Summer Sale".

    • To remove a tag, click the ​x​ symbol inside the tag or use the [ Backspace ] key.
      For more information, see Tags​ .

    ​ Type​

    Select the type of message.

    Mapp Engage supports the following types:


    The next step of the message creation wizard opens according to the type you select.

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