Send a Landing Page in a Message
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    Send a Landing Page in a Message

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    To send a landing page in a message.


    The landing page to be sent to the recipient in a message is published.

    For further information, see ​3. Publish​.


    1. Create a message.
      The message can be created either in the Content Management​ (see ​CMS Messages​ or manually in the Message Creation​ area (see ​Select Message Channel Type​).

    2. Click on the button Engage Variables​ .
      ⇒ A sidebar to select a Engage Variable​ opens.

    3. Under Category​, select Landing Pages​.
      ⇒ A list of all available landing pages is displayed.

    4. Place the selected landing page at the desired location in your message.
      For more information about placing Engage variables, see ​Mapp Engage Variables (window)​.

    5. Send the message, or save it as a prepared message (see ​Prepared Messages​).
      ⇒ In the sendout process, Engage recognizes that the link leads to a landing page. The information needed to personalize the landing page is automatically inserted into the link.
      The landing page thus opens directly to the personalized version.

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