Send Message Immediately
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    Send Message Immediately

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    Article summary


    To send a message.

    The message can have been composed in the CMS or in the message editor. The sendout can be started as a part of the creation process. Alternatively, the message can be saved as a draft or as a prepared message and used for sendout at a later time.

    Background Information​

    Preparing a message for sendout includes selecting the appropriate group, assigning any desired selections, scheduling the date and time of sendout, and more. The message can be sent immediately or scheduled for later sendout.


    There are several different points at which message sendout can be started:

    The message can be edited in the message editor and prepared for sendout:

    1. Click ​Create New > Message ​ in the ​Main Navigation​.

    2. To edit a message: The following are possibilities to edit a message:

      1. Create a new message (see  Select Message Channel Type​ )

      2. Open an existing draft (see Draft Messages Overview (window)​).

      3. Open a prepared Message (see Prepared Messages Overview (window)​).

    3. When the message is finished, click ​prepare sendout​.
      ⇒  The ​Prepare Sendout window opens.

    - or -

    The message can be edited in the CMS and prepared for sendout:

    1. Create a message in the ​CMS​ (see ​Edit CMS Message (window)​).

    2. Click ​Prepare Sendout​.
      ⇒  The ​Prepare Sendout​ window opens.

    The message appears in the ​Prepare Sendout​ window with the necessary sendout information.

    1. From the drop-down list ​Choose Group​, choose the group to which the message will be sent.

    2. In the field ​Message will be​, choose the radio button ​Sent​.

    3. From the drop-down list Selection, choose the selection to be applied to this sendout, if any. 

    4. In the area ​Sendout Time​, select the radio button ​immediately​.
      This option specifies that the message is sent out directly after completing the message composition process.

    5. To send the message to only a portion of the group, open the additional area ​Advanced Options​. Under ​Number of Recipients​, choose one of the following:

      • All: The message is sent to all recipients of the group.

      • Percentage: The message is sent to __ percent of (number) of recipients: The message is sent to a certain percentage of the recipients of the group. The recipients are chosen at random. The input field is used to specify the percentage of recipients to whom the message will be sent.

      • Number: message will be sent to ___ recipients of (number) of recipients: This radio button send the message to a certain percentage of the recipients of the group. The recipients are chosen at random.

        The radio button ​number​ cannot be used in connection with a selection.

    6. To limit sendout to a specific channel, open the ​Advanced Options​ area.
      In the area ​sendout format​ it is possible to choose from among different sendout formats: HTML email, text email, SMS, fax. Formats for which no content has been entered are not displayed.
      Only the selected (checked) formats will be used for sendout. It is thus possible to limit the channels for sendout without changing the message itself.

    7. To assign a category to the message, open the additional area ​Advanced Options​ and use the ​Message Category​ drop-down list to select the desired category. For more information please see ​Message Categories​.

    8. It is also possible to manually create selections using ​JSP Expression language​. Enter this expression language into the input field ​Selection - Related Data​. The selection can refer to related data or to attribute data. This input field is for advanced users only. For users with less experience, Mapp Engage offers an interface for selection creation. These selections can be generated in the interface without any programming knowledge.

    9. Click the button ​Check Message​ to continue with the sendout.
      You proceed to the Sendout Confirmation window, where you can review the message and sendout settings one final time before actual sendout (see Summary of Sendout​).

    10. Click the ​Send Message​ button.
      After the confirmation prompt, Mapp Engage begins message sendout. The message and sendout status can be reviewed in the folder ​Outbox​.

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