Send Most Recent Message(s) to Selection
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    Send Most Recent Message(s) to Selection

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    Article summary

    This job was previously called: Send Last Sent Group Message To User (S/U)

    This job resends the most recent message or messages to a selection. You can resend from 1 to 10 messages.

    The messages resent are the most recently sent messages in the group. It is not possible to select older messages from the outbox.

    Engage resends the following types of messages:

    • Group messages.

    • The main sendout of a split sendout.

    Engage does not resend the following types of messages:

    • Single messages.

    • The individual versions of a split sendout.

    This job sends group messages.

    For more information about the difference between single messages and group messages, see Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​.

    Basic Settings​


    This input field defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. It appears on the ​Time-based Automations Overview​ window. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    This input field defines a description of the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    This input field defines the job. For a list of all available jobs, see All Available Time-Based Jobs​.

    Define Job​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the job.




    Selects the original sendout group of the messages. Use the  symbol to search for a specific group. This field does not define which contacts receive messages with this job.


    Defines the sendout channel for the message. Engage filters the most recent sent messages by the selected channel. Messages that are sent to other channels within the group are skipped and ignored.

    The following options are available:

    • Any:​ Engage ignores the message channel for sendout. It is possible that contacts receive the messages via different channels. This option is selected by default.

    • Email:​ Only the most recent sent email messages are sent to the selection.

    • SMS:​ Only the most recent sent SMS messages are sent to the selection.

    • Mobile Push:​ Only the most recent sent push notifications are sent to the selection.

    ​Number of Messages​

    This input field defines the number of most recent messages that are resent. You can resend from 1 to 10 messages. The input field only accepts numeric values.

    Only messages that are sent to the selected channel are counted as recently sent messages.

    Define Selection​

    The contacts are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection. This job sends the message to all recipients in the selection. The contacts in the selection do not have to be group members. It is therefore possible for contacts who are not group members to receive the message.

    The system does not check whether the selected contacts already received the message. Depending on the selection, it is possible for contacts to receive the same message more than once.




    This drop-down list defines a selection. A selection filters certain contacts according to defined conditions.

    To search all selections in the system, click the  symbol.

    A selection is mandatory, as otherwise the messages would be resent to the entire group.



    This button saves your changes and opens the ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window. Here you define the date and time of execution. For more information, see Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​.

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