Sent Messages Card
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    Sent Messages Card

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    Click Dashboard > Start. The ​Start Page​ opens with the ​Sent Messages​ card.


    The ​Sent Messages​ cards display the message sendouts that have taken place in your Mapp Engage system in the last 15 days.

    Cards are available for all Mapp Engage channels (email, SMS, and mobile push). Each card includes the name of the message and important sendout details.

    Each message sendout has a separate card. The cards are sorted by sendout date and time. The latest sendout appears at the top. To see more details about the sendout, click anywhere on the card and the card expands. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the cards.

    A card for the sendout only appears on the start page when the sendout is finished. The start page does not display sendouts that are still in progress or that were canceled.

    If you have not sent any messages in the last 15 days, this column of the start page is empty. If you lack the permissions to view this information, this column is empty.


    Permission Number

    Permission Name



    ​​Messaging: View Sent Messages​.​

    System user can view messages in the outbox.


    ​​Messaging: View Message Statistics​.​​

    System user can view message statistics.

    Email Sendouts​



    ​Sendout Timestamp​

    Displays the date and time when sendout was started. You can see how long sendout took in the statistics. To view the statistics, click the symbol.

    ​Message Name​

    Displays the name of the message in Mapp Engage. The message name is for internal use only. Your contacts do not see the message name.

    ​Sendout Type​

    Displays the type of sendout.

    • ​Email Sendout:​ The sendout was a group message that was sent via email. A group message is sent to a subset or all members of a group. For more information, see Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​.

    • ​Email Split Sendout:​ A split sendout is the simultaneous sendout of two or more variations of a message. Each variation goes to a small portion of the total group. Each split variant has its own card. The main sendout has a separate card. For more information, see Evaluating Split Message Statistics​.

    • ​Email Submessage:​ A submessage is a message that is sent to one subgroup as part of a SuperMessage. The sendout of a SuperMessage results in the creation of a new message (the submessage) for each individual subgroup. There is a card for each submessage on the start page. There is no additional card for the SuperMessage, because the SuperMessage is simply a container for the submessages.


    Displays the name of the sendout group.


    Displays the name of the selection that is applied to the message. A selection is a type of audience filter. A selection finds contacts who match the criteria that you define. You can use selections to send targeted messages to a specific audience. If you did not apply a selection to the sendout, this line is empty.


    Displays three important KPIs for your message.

    • ​Accepted:​ The number of messages that the receiving email provider accepted from Mapp Engage. Accepted messages are all messages that arrived at the client server and did not produce a bounce. Accepted includes messages that are delivered to the inbox and to the spam and junk folders.

    • ​Confirmed Open Rate:​ The Confirmed Open Rate is the number of unique confirmed openers divided by the total number of accepted messages. Confirmed openers include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed or a link was clicked. Some recipients could have opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted. ​For more information, see KPIs - Group Messages​.

    • ​CTR:​ The CTR (Click Through Rate) displays the number of recipients who click a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages. For more information, see KPIs - Group Messages​​.

    Opens the ​Message Preview​ window in a separate window. In this window you can view your message, review the personalisations, and send a copy of the message. For more information, see Email Message Preview (window)​.

    Opens the message statistics so you can explore the performance of your message in more detail. The message statistics include delivery performance, recipient activity, and more.

    For more information, see Message Statistics (window)​.

    SMS Sendouts​

    You only see SMS cards if you use Mapp Engage to send SMS messages to your contacts. For more information, see SMS Messaging​.



    ​Message Name​

    Displays the name of the message. The message name is the internal name that you assign to the message.

    ​Sendout Type​

    Displays the type of sendout.

    • ​SMS Sendout:​ A group SMS sendout to a subset or all members of a group. The ​Sent Messages​ cards exclude single messages.

    ​Sendout Timestamp​

    Displays the date and time when sendout was started.


    Displays the name of the group the message was sent to.


    Displays the name of the selection that is applied to the message. A selection is a type of audience filter. A selection finds contacts who match the criteria that you define. You can use selections to send targeted messages to a specific audience. If you did not apply a selection to the sendout, this line is empty.

    Opens a preview of the message so you can review the content of the message. For more information, see Email Message Preview (window)​.

    Mobile Push Sendouts​

    You only see mobile push cards if you use Mapp Engage to send mobile push notifications to your contacts. For more information, see Mobile Push​.



    ​Message Name​

    Displays the name of the message. The message name is the internal name that you assign to the message.

    ​Sendout Type​

    Displays the type of sendout.

    • ​Push Notification:​ A mobile push notification sent to your mobile app.

    • ​Push Split Sendout:​ A split sendout is the simultaneous sendout of two or more variations of a message. Each variation goes to a small portion of the total group. Each split variant has its own card. The main sendout has a separate card.

    • ​Push Submessage:​ A submessage is a message that is sent to one subgroup as part of a SuperMessage. The sendout of a SuperMessage results in the creation of a new message (the submessage) for each individual subgroup. There is a card for each submessage on the start page. There is no additional card for the SuperMessage, because the SuperMessage is simply a container for the submessages.

    ​Sendout Timestamp​

    Displays the date and time when sendout was started.

    ​Group Name​

    Displays the name of the group the message was sent to.

    ​App Name​

    Displays the name of the mobile app that receives the push notifications.


    Displays the name of the selection that is applied to the message. A selection is a type of audience filter. A selection finds contacts who match the criteria that you define. You can use selections to send targeted messages to a specific audience. If you did not apply a selection to the sendout, this line is empty.

    Opens a preview of the message so you can review the content of the message. For more information, see Push Notification Preview (window)​.

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