Set Priority of the Link Categories
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    Set Priority of the Link Categories

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    Article summary


    Set the priority of automatically assigned link categories.

    Background Information​

    During the automatic assignment of link categories, a single link can fulfill the criteria of more than one link category. Assigning multiple categories to a link is not desirable because it causes the link to be evaluated more than once in the statistics. For this reason, each link must be given a unique link category.

    If different Regex expressions apply to the same link, the priority of the categories determines which link category is selected. The link category with the highest priority is assigned to the link.


    1. In the main navigation menu, click ​Administration​ > Categories > Link.

      ⇒ The ​Category Overview window opens. The​ Priority ​column displays the link categories in order of the ranking that is assigned to each one.
      When several link categories apply to a link, the link category with the smallest number (i.e., highest priority) is assigned to the link.

    2. In the  ​Action column, select  Change Priority​ to adjust the priority of a link category.
      ⇒ The ​Change Link Category Priority window opens.

    3. Enter the rank you want to assign to the category in the ​New priority​ input field.
      The smaller the number, the higher the likelihood that the category is assigned when several link categories are applicable.

    4. Click the ​Change Priority button.
      ⇒ The ​Link Category Overview tab opens. The link categories are displayed with their new priorities. All other link categories are adjusted up or down accordingly.

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