Set Session Timeout for Contributors
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    Set Session Timeout for Contributors

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    Article summary


    To set the session timeout duration for contributors.


    You only need to follow these instructions if you modified the system message ​SysMsgRemindContributor prior to November 2013. The session timeout has since been added to the default system message.

    System messages which were previously modified include an access link which does not set the default session duration.

    Background Information

    The contributor is sent a reminder via the system message (SysMsgRemindContributor​ ). This message contains a link that provides access to edit the CMS paragraph. If you are using the default system message template, the link contains a parameter which sets the session timeout for 30 minutes.

    If you customized this system message prior to November 2013, you must modify the link sent to the contributor to include the session timeout duration.


    1. Open the message SysMsgRemindContributor for editing. For step-by-step instructions on how to edit a system message, see ​Edit Default System Messages​ (steps 1-9).

    2. In the message text, locate the text string that defines the link sent to the contributor. After &action=setLockObject, enter &session.lifetime=30. The modified string should read:

    3. Click Save.
      ⇒ A system status message confirms that the changes have been saved.

    4. Repeat these steps for each language used for this system message. Each language must be edited and saved individually. The same text string for defining the link is used for all languages.

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