Set Up Data Imports
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    Set Up Data Imports

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    Article summary

    Data imports are a powerful tool for syncing data from external sources into your Mapp Engage system.


    To set up data imports, you need to configure your connections (including path and regex) in the Credentials section. This is the case for both FTP and HTTP connections.

    Common Use Cases

    • Add contacts to Mapp Engage

    • Update contact attributes in Mapp Engage

    • Remove users from Mapp Engage

    • Send an email (prepared message) with parameters to contacts

    • Add data to your custom Related Data tables where their email is the key attribute

    • Add multiple location data to your location database

    • Add data to predefined Related Data: Transactions, Wish List, and Abandoned Cart

    Option to skip unsubscribers

    Since September 2024, you can add a column to your imported csv called skipUnsibscribers. This is a boolean, that when TRUE will check whether the contact has unsubscribed. If they have, they will not be re-added to the group. If the parameter is empty or set to FALSE, they will not be checked.


    A) Create an integration via Mapp Connect

    To see the setup steps, visit Create an Integration. Data Feeds are set up like a generic integration in Mapp Connect.

    B) Set up an import job

    With one job you can import a few files that fit the regex expression and are of the same data type (e.g. user, transaction, email, abandoned cart, wish list, location).

    1. Go to the Data Import tab and click Add New Import.

    2. The Import Configuration tab opens. Here, you can define all the details of the import job:

      1. Add job name. The name has to be unique.

      2. Runs every. Here, you can specify a detailed schedule for your job. 

      3. Set job status. Select Enabled or Disabled here.

        Only set the job status to Enabled when all columns for incoming data are mapped.

    C) Define import steps

    1. Import from FTP/SFTP or HTTP.
      Select the connection from the drop-down list and click Test Connection. If the connection test fails, you will receive an alert. If you are importing via HTTP, you can also add the file path here if you didn’t include it when setting up your credentials.

    2. (optional) Unarchive file. To remove this step from the import workflow, click the minus icon:  

      Supported formats are .zip, .tar, .gz, .tar, and .gz. If a password protects the archived file, you can enter it here. This option is only available for the .zip format.

    3. (optional) Convert file. To remove this step from the import workflow, click the minus icon:

      Note that if you import multiple files, encoding and delimiter must be the same for all the files.

    4. Upload to S3. This is when the data is uploaded to Mapp's S3 server. This step cannot be configured.

    5. Create event. This step allows you to define what happens with the data upon import.

    6. This step provides an import report from Mapp Engage.

    7. Update mapping. Click on Edit Mapping and adjust it as needed. For more details about mapping, visit Edit Mapping.

    8. (optional) Add monitoring users. Here, you can add the email addresses of people who should be receiving error logs from the system.

    9. Click Save.

    D) View imports & monitor import progress

    You can see all the created imports on the Data Import tab.

    Click the plus icon next to the Log Report label to check the import status.

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