Settings (tab)
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    Settings (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Administration​ > ​System Settings​ 

      ⇒ The ​System Settings​ window opens to the ​Settings​ tab


    What can I do in this tab?

    • Change the default character encoding for email message creation and landing pages.

    • Change the default image handling method for email messages.

    • Change the default editor for the message composition.

    • Set the period of validity for system passwords that are manually and automatically generated.

    • Define a reminder period in which the system user is prompted to update a password which is about to expire.

    These settings apply to your entire Mapp Engage system. The settings that you choose in this window become the default settings for all system users.

    Character Encoding​


    The default character encoding only applies to the creation of messages and landing pages. The default character encoding does not apply to import and export files. When you import and export files, you must select the correct character encoding manually



    ​Character Encoding​

    The character encoding that you select here becomes the default character encoding for your system.

    This default character encoding is pre-selected in the ​Character Encoding​ field for the following actions:

    • Composition of an email message

    • Composition or changes to a CMS paragraph

    • Creation of a Mapp Engage landing page

    For more information, see

    Image Handling in Mapp Engage​



    ​Image Handling​

    Defines the default image handling method for your Mapp Engage system. Whenever you create an email message, the default image handling method is pre-selected. This setting does not apply to the creation of CMS messages. CMS messages always use images that are hosted in Mapp Engage.

    • ​Image Links are Unchanged:​ Mapp Engage does not change the image address in any way. When the email is downloaded in the inbox, the images are downloaded from the URL you defined. Use this option when the link contains additional information - for example, parameters for a tracking pixel.

    • ​Images are Inlined (Offline HTML):​ Images are inserted into the email as inline attachments in the email. This option increases the size of your email messages.
      Use this option when you want email recipients to be able to read the images even when offline.
      When you send the email, Mapp Engage retrieves the images from the image address you define. Mapp Engage changes the addresses of the pictures in the email HTML so that they point to the inline images, not to the external address. As a result, the email client does not need to retrieve the images from an external address to display the images in the inbox. If Mapp Engage cannot retrieve one or more images, the system asks you to upload the missing images. For more information, see ​Upload Missing Images (window)​.
      This method does not affect the tracking pixel in any way. The tracking pixel is always hosted on the Mapp Engage server.

    • ​Images are Hosted in Mapp Engage (Online HTML):​ Images are uploaded to the Mapp Engage servers. When the recipient opens the email, the images are downloaded from Mapp Engage.
      Flash movies (*.swf) in the HTML and Flash HTML fields in the message are treated as images. It is not possible to inline files with these formats. The flash movies are specified with a specially formatted <object> block. For more information, see Use a Content Store Element in an Email​.

    Default Email Editor​



    ​Default Email Editor​

    Defines the default editor for the message composition. Whenever you create an email message, step ​2. Compose Message​ opens to the editor that you select.

    • ​HTML Code:​ When you create or edit a message, step ​2. Compose Message​ opens to the HTML code view. In this content area, you compose an email message using HTML code. This editor highlights HTML syntax and displays numbers for each line of code.

    • ​Graphical Editor:​ When you create or edit a message, step ​2. Compose Message​ opens to the graphical HTML Editor. This editor lets you edit an email message without any knowledge of HTML.

    Password Settings​



    ​Automatically Generated Passwords​

    Defines the number of days that passwords your Mapp Engage system automatically generates are valid. For example, passwords Mapp Engage generates for the ​Forgot Password​ link or for API users. The minimum validity period for automatic passwords is one day. The maximum validity period is 14 days. If this input field is blank, passwords that Mapp Engage generates automatically never expire.

    ​Manually Generated Passwords​

    Defines the number of days that a password that a system user enters manually is valid. For example, when a system user resets their password. The minimum validity period for manual passwords is 30 days. The maximum validity period is 180 days. If this input field is blank, passwords that system users generate manually on your system users never expire.

    ​Reminder Period​

    Defines the period in which Mapp Engage sends the system user a reminder to change a password that is about to expire. Mapp Engage sends the reminder one time per day until the expiration date. The minimum reminder period is one day before the password expires. The maximum reminder period is 14 days before the password expires. If you specify a validity period for automatically or manually generated passwords, you must define a reminder period.


    Changes to the password settings of your system can remove the system access of current system users.

    If the password of a system user expires, they can request a new password with the ​Forgot Password​ link or contact their system administrator

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