Simplified Data Export
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    Simplified Data Export

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    Article summary

    Simplified Data Exports provide filtered raw data about individual activities pertaining to your email messages.

    To analyze the exported data, you need an external tool such as a CRM (customer relationship management) system. The raw data alone does not follow a sorting strategy or provide usable insights.

    Simplified Data Exports are similar to Raw Data Exports. Both export raw data about individual activities for further processing. However, Simplified Data Exports only export the first instance of each event you select (for example, the first click). By contrast, a Raw Data Export includes every instance of each selected event (for example, all clicks).

    A simplified data export helps you analyze which contacts interacted with your message. A raw data export helps you analyze the behavior of your contacts and how they interacted with your messages.

    The Simplified Data Export replaces the tracking-event entries of the ​Export Data to Server​ automation job. This means that tracking-event entries are no longer visible when you set up a new ​Export Data to Server​ automation.

    Automations that are already stored on your system remain unchanged.

    Along with more flexible configuration options, Simplified Data Exports cover some events that are not available in the ​Export Data to Server automation: First Sent to MTA, First Skip, First Click and First Conversion.


    • Acquire information about your recipient's reactions to recent email sendouts for analysis in an external tool of your choice.

    • Export the first occurrence of each tracking event or state that Engage collects for any or all of your messages.

    • Produce smaller export files that are suitable for external analysis tools with limited processing or storage capacity.

    • Define your export with an intuitive wizard that ensures proper configuration.

    • Select export content, format and delivery with fully flexible configuration options.

    • Reuse the export settings for future exports.


    You define new exports in a user-friendly wizard. For more information, see Define a Simplified Data Export​.


    Name of the Step




    Defines the type, name and description of the export.


    Time Frame

    Defines the time frame of the export.

    The time frame limits the export to the events that are registered by Engage within a specific period of time. Every event that takes place in

    Engage is stored in the cloud with a time stamp.

    The timestamp of a data record is the date and time when the event happened.



    Defines for which messages event data is exported. The events included in the export are always associated with a message.

    You can select individual messages or message categories. Or you can select messages based on the sendout group or group category.

    Select the ​Export All Messages​ option to export information about all of your messages for the defined time range.


    Event Data

    Defines which event data is included in the export.

    The data can be freely and flexibly combined to create the export.

    The event data in the export file is always displayed in connection with a message.


    Other Data

    Selects additional data for export.

    This includes contact identifiers, group and message data, general information and attribute data.

    The visibility of some types of data depends on your system configuration and permissions.


    Export Configuration

    Defines the file format and settings of the export. These include the file format, encoding, size and destination server address.

    The following options are available:

    • CSV

    • XML

    • XSLT



    Displays an overview of the selected export data and settings.

    It is possible to check and modify the export before saving. The different areas of the window correspond to the individual steps of the wizard.

    Once defined in the wizard, the export settings are stored in the system.

    There are two ways to generate the export file in Engage:

    Related Topics​

    ​Simplified Data Export File​
    ​Define a Simplified Data Export​

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