2. Time Frame
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    2. Time Frame

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Data Management​ > ​Exports​.

      ⇒ The ​Export overview window opens.

    2. Click the ​Create​ button.
      ⇒ Wizard step ​1. Type​ opens.

    3. Follow the wizard to step ​2. Time Frame​.

    Step 2. Time Frame​

    This step defines the time frame of the export.

    The time frame limits the data that you export to the tracking data that Engage registers within a time period that you specify.

    Every event that Engage registers is stored with a time stamp.

    By default, the maximum export is 31 days in one file. To export data for a longer time period, you must create multiple exports.

    If you have permission ​166: Data Import and Export: Maximum Time Frames​, you can increase the number of days for which data is exported up to 365 days.

    • Time Frame:​ Defines the time period for which data is exported. The following options are available:

      • Relative:​ Defines the duration of the export in days, weeks, or months. The time period is calculated from the date on which you generate the export.
        ​Time Zone:​ Selects the time zone that Engage uses to calculate the time period.

        • Include: ​The input fields in this area define the relative time frame.

        • Previous:​ Defines a period of time immediately before the date the file is generated.

        • Current: ​Defines the period of time as the current day, week, or month. This setting exports all information from the current day, the current week, or current month until the time the file is generated.

        • ​Time Frame for Export:​ Shows the export time period. This time period is based on immediate export. If you generate the export later (either manually or automatically), the time frame that is displayed is not accurate.

      • Absolute:​ Defines the export time frame with a specific date. An absolute time frame is a time period for which a specific start and end date is defined.

        • Time Zone:​ Selects the time zone that is used to calculate the time period from a drop-down list.

        • From:​ Defines the date and time from which data is included in the export file.

        • To:​ Defines the date and time until which data is included in the export file.

    • ​Maximum (365 Days):​ Increases the number of days for which data can be exported to the previous 365 days. This option is only visible if permission ​166: Data Import and Export: Maximum Time Frame​ is granted. If the option is not shown, the maximum export is 31 days.

    • Cancel: ​Closes the creation or modification of the export after an additional confirmation request. All changes are lost.

    • Back:​ Opens the previous step in the wizard.

    • Next:​ Opens the next step in the wizard.

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