5. Other Data
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    5. Other Data

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation, clickData Management​ >​ Exports​.

      ⇒ The ​Exports overviewwindow opens.

    2. Click the ​Create​ button.
      Wizard step ​1. Type​ opens.

    3. Follow the wizard to step ​5. Other Data.

    Step 5. Other Data​

    In this step, you can select additional data for export.

    For a detailed description of the types of data available for export in each category, see Simplified Data Export File​.

    To ensure that information in the export is clearly identifiable, select the following for export:

    • ​User ID​ or  ​Email​

    • ​Message ID ​

    • ​Event Timestamp​

    • ​Event Type ​

    If you only export data for one event or message, you do not have to select the event type or message ID.


    Available Data for Export


    If you want to evaluate the export on the user level, select ​User ID ​ or  ​Email​ . If neither one is selected, it is a good idea to include a custom attribute in the export which identifies contacts.

    ​Group and Message Data​

    The ​Group and Message Data​ area defines which information about the selected groups and messages is included in the export.

    This data can also include information about selections.

    ​General Information​

    Provides basic information about the data that is selected in the ​Events​ area.

    The ​Event Timestamp,​ Event Type, and ​ ​Sendout Type​ fields are useful in data analysis. When you select these options individually for each event, the information is shown in different columns for each event. To facilitate further processing of the data, Engage combines the data into an additional column for each row.


    The ​Attributes​ area contains all attributes available for export. This field includes standard attributes, custom attributes, and member attributes.

    The visibility of the ​Attributes​ area depends on the configuration of your system. For further information, contact your customer service representative.

    The export includes the value of the attribute at the time of export, not at the time of sendout. If the attribute value changes between sendout and export, the exported content can be different than the attribute value at the time of sendout.

    The visibility of some types of data depends on your system configuration and permissions.

    Buttons ​

    • Cancel:​ This button ends the creation or editing of the export, after an additional confirmation request. All changes are lost.

    • ​Show Column Names:​ This button opens the ​Column Names​ window. This window provides an overview of all available data types and the default name of the corresponding column in the export file.

    • Back:​ This button opens the previous step in the wizard.

    • Next:​ This button opens the next step in the wizard.

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