Time Distribution (window)
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    Time Distribution (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation, click  Statistics​  >  Single Messages> Email.

    2. In the Actions  column, click | ​View Statistics​ or the symbol.

    3. Next to ​Recipient Activity, click Time Distribution. The ​Time Distribution​ window opens.


    The Time Distribution​ window provides you with a precise analysis of your sent single messages.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Review the development of the confirmed open rate and click-through rate (CTR) over time.

    • Review the development of the accepted, opened, and clicked messages over time.

    • Export the time distribution data.

    Considerations for Single Message Sendout​

    To gauge how your single message performed, you need to know how many messages were received and how many of your contacts opened and clicked the message.

    Engage also tracks bounces, spam complaints, and out-of-office messages, so you can get an idea about how often your message reached the inbox.

    Engage identifies recipient activities based on the sendout time of the single message, and not the time when the activity took place. You can only see recipient activities for single messages sent in the last three months.

    Basic Information​



    Message Name

    This name is used to identify the message within the system and is not visible to recipients.


    The subject is displayed to the recipients as the subject line of the email in their inbox. The subject line also helps you to identify the message in the system.

    Message ID

    Displays the message ID that is automatically assigned by the system during sendout. The message ID is unique.


    Displays the name of the group with which the message was sent.

    Key Performance Indicators

    This area displays the total number of accepted, opened, and clicked messages from the first message sendout. This area remains visible and unchanged when a time frame is selected in the filter options.



    Accepted Messages

    Displays the number of messages that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). It does not distinguish whether messages were delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    ​Accepted Messages​  are calculated as follows:

    Accepted Messages = Messages Sent - Bounced​

    Messages Opened

    Displays the number of opened messages. If a recipient opens a message more than once, it is only counted once per sendout. The opening of a message can be determined using a tracking pixel or other recipient activity (e.g. clicking a link).

    Messages Clicked

    Displays the number of messages in which a link was clicked. If a recipient clicks a link more than once, it is only counted once per sendout.


    In the general settings, you choose which values are to be used to evaluate the time distribution of the single message. All values are pre-selected by default.



    Show values for

    Here you can select the type of recipient activity that should be evaluated and displayed in the chart. You can choose one, several, or all values. As one or more values are checked, the chart automatically updates according to the settings. By moving the mouse over the chart, you receive detailed information for each selected value. Confirmed Open Rate and CTR are only shown for messages that were sent within the selected time frame. The time frame, therefore, determines the calculation of the values. For more information, see Considerations for Single Message Sendout​

    • Confirmed Open Rate: Displays the number of opened messages divided by the number of accepted messages.
      The Confirmed Open Rate​ is calculated as follows:

      Confirmed Open Rate = Messages Opened for the selected time frame / Accepted Messages for the selected time frame

    • CTR: Displays the number of messages clicked divided by the number of accepted messages.
      The CTR is calculated as follows:

      ​CTR = Messages Clicked for the selected time frame / Accepted Messages for the selected time frame

    • Accepted Messages: Displays the number of messages that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). It does not distinguish whether messages were delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.
      Accepted Messages​ are calculated as follows:

      Accepted Messages = Messages Sent for the selected time frame - Bounced for the selected time frame​

    Select Time Frame

    Here you can enable the evaluation of values selected under ​Show values for​ by day or hour in the defined time frame.

    • Daily: Displays the selected values on a daily basis for the defined time frame.

    • Hourly: Displays the selected values on an hourly basis for the defined time frame.

    The Curve Chart​

    The curve chart provides a visual representation of the time distribution for the selected KPIs.

    The time frame displayed is individually configurable. 

    The chart automatically updates depending on the settings. Moving the mouse over the chart displays a tooltip that shows activities and the date they took place.

    The time distribution curve chart is divided into two sections:

    • In the bottom section of the chart above the scroll bar, you will find the visual statistical analysis of the entire sendout time frame for the message. Above the scrollbar and the controls, you can select the exact time frame for which an evaluation of the message is to be made. According to the settings, the upper part of the chart is updated and displays a detailed view of the filtered time frame.

    • In the upper part of the chart, only the area is displayed which was selected using the time frame filter options.

    Curve Chart Filter Options​

    The time distribution for single messages offers various filter options for selecting a time frame for analysis.



    Time frame

    The pre-defined time frames filter the time distribution for single messages as follows:

    • 3d: the chart shows the selected data for the last three days.

    • 1w: the chart shows the selected data for the last week.

    • 1m: the chart shows the selected data for the last month

    • 3m: the chart shows the selected data for the last three months.

    This selection shows the dates backdated from the time frame of the last sendout. The dates displayed in the input fields  ​From/To  are updated according to the time frame selected.


    Defines the time frame displayed in the curve chart. The time frame is entered in the format MM-DD-YYYY.


    Navigates to the desired time frame. This control enables the accurate selection of the time frame displayed. The dates displayed in the input fields ​From/To​ are updated according to the time frame selected.

    Related Topics​

    ​How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success​
    ​KPIs - Single Messages​
    ​Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​

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