SMS Message Preview (window)
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    SMS Message Preview (window)

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    Article summary

    ​ Navigation Path

    1. To preview a message during the message creation process, click ​Preview​ in steps 2–4 of the message creation wizard.

    2. To preview a message that is displayed in an overview, click >  ​View​ in the ​Actions​ menu of the message.


    This window offers you several ways to preview your SMS before sendout.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Preview your SMS.

    • Simulate the effects of personalization placeholders and rules. This feature helps you ensure that your message's personalizations display properly when recipients open your SMS.

    • Send a preview of the SMS to a specific mobile number.

    • Download the preview as an .eml file.

    Personalization Settings​

    The initial preview does not contain personalized content when you open the Message Preview window. Select a contact or enter attribute values to view a personalized version of the email. You can preview both types of personalizations:

    • Personalization placeholders

    • Personalization rules

    The ​Personalization​ area only displays if the selected message contains one or more personalizations.



    ​Preview with Values​

    Defines which information Mapp Engage uses to generate the message preview:

    • Contact Profile Values:​ Bases the preview on a Mapp Engage contact profile. You select the contact in the ​Contact drop-down list.

      • Contact: Select the contact who Mapp Engage uses for the preview. The contact must exist in Mapp Engage. Click the  symbol to search for contacts on your system.
        To update the preview with the values that are stored in the contact profile of the selected contact, click ​Update.

    • ​Custom Values:​ Bases the preview on the attributes and custom values you define in the ​Attributes area. Use this area to see how personalizations affect the display of your message.

      • Attributes:​ The ​Attributes drop-down list displays all placeholders that are defined in the SMS. To select an attribute, click the  symbol. To select all attributes, click ​Add All Attributes. To view a custom value in the preview, enter the value after the ​=. For example, if you enter FirstName=Joe, the name Joe displays wherever the FirstName placeholder is used in the preview.
        Click Update to update the preview with the attribute values you select.

    ​Personalization Rules​

    Determines whether the preview displays the results of the personalization rules.

    • On:​ Mapp Engage applies all the defined personalization rules to the content of the message preview. Only content that matches your personalisation rules displays. This mode corresponds to the content that is displayed in an actual sendout.

    • Off:​ Mapp Engage removes all insert-if tags from the message and displays all available content. Use this mode to check all your content variations at once.
      For example, if you define a condition that inserts the phrase Dear Mr. or Dear Ms. based on the ​Title attribute. When you select the ​Off option, both phrases display in the preview email. Use the ​Off setting to verify content that you define in your personalization rules.


    These settings give you more ways to use message preview.




    Selects a Mapp Engage group. The group that you select affects the content of the preview. It also affects the header of the message, including the ​From​ ​Address of the SMS. This option is available for group-related system messages but not for system-related system messages.

    When you click the ​Update button, the preview updates to include any group-specific content.


    Selects the language version of a system message to use in the preview. This option is only available for system messages.

    ​Show Images​

    This setting is not relevant to SMS.


    Defines the mobile number of the person to whom the preview SMS is sent. Use this feature for testing because it allows you to enter any valid mobile number.

    The preview SMS includes either attribute values associated with the  Contact Profile or attributes defined in the ​Custom Values fields. It excludes attribute values that are associated with the mobile number you enter here. In other words, what you see is what you send.

    The preview SMS is not an actual sendout. Some message components are only generated and added during the actual sendout. As a result, the preview SMS has some limitations.

    Please be sure to add the country code to mobile numbers.





    Sends a preview SMS to any mobile number. Enter the mobile number in the ​Recipient input field. The recipient can be another system user or a person who is not registered in Mapp Engage.


    Updates the preview to reflect any changes that you make in the ​Message Preview window.

    ​Start Message Check​

    This setting is not relevant to SMS.


    Downloads the SMS as an .eml file. This file can be viewed in Outlook, Thunderbird, or any other email client.

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