SMS Sendout Summary
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    SMS Sendout Summary

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​main navigation​, click Create ​New > Message​ > SMS Message​.

    2. Enter message information and Click ​Create​.

    3. Enter your subject line and content, then click ​Prepare Sendout​.

    4. Create the desired sendout settings and click​ Check Message​. Step 4. Summary ​opens.


    This step shows an overview of the sendout settings. You can return to the previous steps of the wizard to edit your settings before you send or save your SMS.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Review the content of your message and your sendout settings.

    • Return to previous steps of the message creation wizard to edit the message or change the sendout settings.

    • Start or schedule message sendout.

    • Open a message preview window that offers you several ways to preview and test your message before sendout.

    Sendout Information​



    ​Message Name​

    Displays the message name. The message name is used for identification purposes in Mapp Engage. The recipient cannot see the message name.

    ​Email Subject Line​

    This field is not relevant for SMS.

    ​External Message ID​

    Displays an additional parameter that Mapp Engage adds to each link in the message. This field is generally not relevant for SMS, because most SMS messages do not contain links.

    ​Message Category​

    Displays the category of the message, if applicable. You can select a message category in the ​Prepare Sendout​ window. For more information, see ​Message Categories​.


    Displays the sendout group. This is the group to which the message is sent. You select the group in the ​Prepare Sendout​ window.

    ​Message Recipients​

    Shows the number of estimated recipients. The number of recipients is only displayed when no selection is activated for the groups.


    Displays the chosen segment if any. A segment is used to limit the recipients of the message according to recipients' profile attributes. For more information, see Segmentation Builder.

    ​Percent of Group​

    Displays the percentage of the group members who receive the message. You can limit the number of recipients in the ​Prepare Sendout​ window.

    ​Email Reply Handling​

    Shows the type of email reply handling set for the group.

    SMS reply handling is not displayed here. You can see the SMS reply handling in the group settings. For more information, see ​Reply Handling (tab)​.

    ​From Address​

    This field is not relevant for SMS.

    ​Email Attachments​

    This field is not relevant for SMS.




    ​Prepare Sendout​

    Opens step ​3. Configuration​ of the message creation wizard. Here you can edit the settings for your email sendout.


    Opens the ​Message Preview​ window. This window offers you several ways to preview and test your message before sendout.

    ​Send Message​

    Starts sendout of the SMS.

    ​Schedule Message​

    Schedules sendout to take place according to the settings you entered in step ​3. Configuration​ of the message creation wizard.

    ​Send to Managers​

    Sends the message to the moderators of the group for approval. If you see this button, you lack permission to send the message.

    For more information, see ​Message Moderation​.

    Related Topics​

    ​Prepare SMS Sendout​
    ​SMS Message Preview (window)​

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