Source Statistics Overview (window)
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    Source Statistics Overview (window)

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    Statistics​ > Sources​

    The Source Statistics Overview Window​

    The ​Source Statistics Overview window provides an overview of all existing sources in the system. Individual statistics can be retrieved for each source.

    Source statistics make it possible to evaluate the contacts generated by internal or external sources and their quality. Based on source statistics, the extent to which a partner program has had a positive effect on a contact list or which campaign has particularly contributed to the acquisition of new contacts can be derived.

    For more information, see Source Statistics.

    Source statistics are only available if you are assigned permission ​1113: Statistics: View Source Statistics.

    General Page Options​

    • Filter: This button applies the set filter.

    • Remove Filter: This button removes the set filter.

    • Visible Rows: This drop-down list defines how many rows are displayed per page. Select 10, 20, 50, or 100 visible rows. The default display is 10 rows per page.

    • Arrows: The arrows () can be used to move between the individual pages. The arrows are only visible when there are more entries available than can be displayed according to the current settings for ​Visible Rows.

    Available Actions​

    : This symbol opens the ​Source Statistics window. This provides an overview of the contacts generated by the source and the system-wide status. For more information, see ​Source Statistics.

    Available Information (columns of the table)​

    • Source ID: This column displays the ID of the source. The source ID can be a maximum of five characters long. The ID is no longer editable after saving the record and identifies the origin of a contact over its entire life cycle. The source ID is written to the user profile of the corresponding contact during contact import or through a customized subscription link. For more information, see ​Contact Profile (window)​.

    • Source/Account Holder: This column displays the name and account manager of the source.

      • Source: This column displays the name of the source. The source can be an internal or external source. Internal sources include marketing campaigns or promotions. External sources, however, include sweepstakes that are set up by a partner on an external website. The source name can be a maximum of 50 characters long.

      • Account Holder: This column shows the owner of an account. This account is credited for each contact unit generated by the source. The account holder is an email address that is created in the Engage system. It is not possible to enter an email address that does not exist in the system. The address shown here is the user account credited the amount that a source receives for contact generation. For more information, see.

    • Contacts (Total): This column shows the number of contacts generated by a source. All contacts generated by this source appear, regardless of the status or system role of the contacts. For more information, see Contacts in Source Statistics.

    • Active Contacts: This column shows the number of contacts generated by a source that is currently active system-wide. All contacts generated by this source that is active system-wide appear, regardless of the status or system role of the contacts. For more information, see ​Contacts in Source Statistics.


    In the ​Details area, the most important information from the table is displayed as well as additional information for a selected source. The ​Details area only provides a quick overview of the most important information. The ​Source Statistics window is available for the examination and interpretation of the numbers. For more information, see  ​Source Statistics (window)​.

    • Source ID: This entry displays the ID of the source. The source ID is used to identify a source and the contacts generated by this source.

    • Source: This entry displays the name of the source. The source can be an internal or external source.

    • Description: This entry displays the description that was entered for the source.

    • Account Holder: This entry displays the owner of an account. This account is credited for each contact unit generated by the source. The account holder is an email address that is created in the Engage system. For more information, see.

    • Contact Value (Unit): This entry displays the number of units that will be credited to the account holder for the registration of a new contact.

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