Source Statistics (window)
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    Source Statistics (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation path

    1. In the main navigation, click ​Statistics​ > Sources.

    2. Click the   symbol. The ​Source Statistics window opens.

    The Source Statistics Window​

    The ​Source Statistics window provides an overview of all contacts generated by a source. Source statistics make it possible to evaluate the contacts generated by internal or external sources and their quality. Based on source statistics, the extent to which a partner program has had a positive effect on a contact list or which campaign has particularly contributed to the acquisition of new contacts can be derived.

    After the selection of a desired time frame in the graph, the following information can be viewed:

    • The number of system-wide active contacts generated by a source.

    • The total number of contacts generated by a source.

    Basic Information

    The ​Basic Information area provides general information about a source.

    • Source: This entry displays the name of the source. The source can be an internal or external source. Internal sources include marketing campaigns or promotions. External sources, however, include sweepstakes that are set up by a partner on an external website. The source name can be a maximum of 50 characters long.

    • Account Holder: This entry displays the owner of an account. This account is credited for each contact unit generated by the source. The account holder is an email address that is created in the Engage system. It is not possible to enter an email address that does not exist in the system. The address shown here is the user account credited with the amount that a source receives for address generation. 

    • Contact Value (Unit): This entry displays the number of units that will be credited to the account holder for the registration of a new contact. The units for each contact generated are allocated to the email address defined in the Account Holder input field.

    Units are only allocated when a contact is registered in a group. System imports without group membership will not be credited.

    Credit is given once. This means that the account is only given credit for the first group registration.


    The ​Contacts area provides information about the current status of the contacts that were generated by a source.

    For more information, see Contacts in Source Statistics.

    Contacts that are deactivated within a group are not included in the number of ​System-wide Deactivated Contacts. Contacts that are deactivated within a group are considered active contacts in the system statistics.

    • Contacts (Total): This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source. All contacts generated by this source appear, regardless of the status or system role of the contacts. The number shown here is calculated daily.

    • Active Contacts: This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source that is currently active system-wide. All contacts generated by this source that is active system-wide appear, regardless of the status or system role of the contacts. The number shown here is calculated daily.

    • System-wide Deactivated Contacts: This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source that is currently deactivated system-wide. The number shown here is calculated daily.

    • Last Calculated: This entry displays the date and time of the last calculation. The calculation of data is performed on a daily basis and is done separately for ​Contacts (Total),​ Active Contacts, and ​System-wide Deactivated Contacts.

    General Settings​

    The area allows for the selection of values ​​that are to be used for analysis in the curve chart.

    Show values for: This option allows the selection of values ​​that should be displayed according to the time period selected in the curve chart. The values can be selected singly, or in combination. As one or more values are checked, the chart automatically updates according to the settings. By moving the mouse over the chart, you receive detailed information for the selected values.

    • Contacts (Total): This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source. The number shown here is calculated daily. This value is pre-selected by default.

    • Active Contacts: This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source that is currently active system-wide. The number shown here is calculated daily.

      • Rate: This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source that is active divided by the total number of contacts generated by this source.
        This is calculated as follows:

        ​Rate = Active Contacts / Contacts (Total)​

    • System-wide Deactivated Contacts: This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source that is currently deactivated system-wide. The number shown here is calculated daily.

      • Rate: This entry shows the number of contacts generated by a source that is deactivated system-wide divided by the total number of contacts generated by this source.
        This is calculated as follows:

        ​Rate = System-wide Deactivated Contacts / Contacts (Total)​

    The Curve Chart​

    The curve chart offers a visual representation of the development of contacts in the system. The time frame displayed is individually configurable (see Curve Chart Filter Options​). The chart automatically updates depending on the settings. Moving the mouse over the chart displays a tooltip that shows activities and the date they took place.

    The curve chart is divided into two areas:

    • In the lower part of the chart, a scrollbar and sliding controls define the time frame for analysis. According to the settings, the upper part of the chart is updated and displays a detailed view of the filtered time frame.

    • In the upper part of the chart, the selected data are displayed for the selected time frame.

    Curve Chart Filter Options​

    The curve chart offers different filter options to select the time frame for analysis.

    • Time Frame: The predefined time frames filter the display of contact development data as follows:

      • 1w: The diagram displays the development of contacts for the last week.

      • 1m: The diagram displays the development of contacts for the last month.

      • 3m: The diagram displays the development of contacts for the last three months.

      • 1y: The diagram displays the development of contacts for the last year.

      • All: The diagram displays the development of contacts from the creation of the system.

        The selection shows the data retrospectively from the current date. The dates displayed in the input fields ​From/To are updated according to the time frame selected.

    • From/To: These input fields define the time frame displayed in the curve chart. The time frame is entered in the format ​MM-DD-YYYY​.

    • Scrollbar: The scrollbar navigates to a specific date. The sliding controls define the displayed time frame. The dates displayed in the input fields ​From/To are updated according to the time frame selected.

    Print and Save Options in the Curve Chart​

    The curve chart offers various printing options.

    • Print chart: The drop-down list item ​Print chart prints the chart with the currently selected parameters.

    • Download PNG image: The drop-down list item ​Download PNG image saves the chart with the currently selected parameters as a PNG image.

    • Download JPEG image: The drop-down list item ​Download JPEG image saves the chart with the currently selected parameters as a JPEG image.

    • Download PDF document: The drop-down list item ​Download PDF document saves the chart with the currently selected parameters as a PDF document.

    • Download SVG vector image: The drop-down list item ​Download SVG vector image saves the chart with the currently selected parameters as an SVG vector image.

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