Split Message Center (window)
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    Split Message Center (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, click Statistics​.
      The ​Group Message Statistics Overview​ window opens.

    2. ClickView  ​Split Statistics​.

      ⇒ The ​Split Message Center​  window opens.

    Split Message Center​

    The ​Split Message Center​ provides you with comprehensive and detailed information about all of the messages sent as a part of the split sendout, including detailed delivery information, recipient activity, and reaches/losses.

    The ​Split Message Center​ has two tabs: ​Split Message Summary​ and ​Split Analysis​. The Split Message Summary​ tab is by default visible when the Split Message Center​ is opened.

    Basic Information​

    This area provides general information about the messages sent in the split sendout. This area always remains visible and identical when viewing the tabs Split Message Summary and ​Split Analysis​.

    • Split Message ID: This entry displays the message ID that is automatically assigned by the system during sendout. This ID refers to the split sendout as a whole; all versions, as well as the main sendout, have separate, unique ID numbers. This ID is unique and is used to identify the split sendout in the system.

    • Number of Variations: This entry displays the number of message variations included in the split test, as well as the percentage of all group recipients who received a split variation. This does not include the main sendout, even if the main sendout was automatically started as a part of the split sendout process.

    • Group: This entry displays the name of the group with which the message was sent.

    • Date Sent (split sendout): This entry displays the date and time on which the split sendout was started.

    • Date Sent (main sendout): This entry displays the date and time on which the main sendout was started.

    • Group Size: This entry displays the number of active members in the sendout group at the point in time when the server began sending the message.

    • Selection: This entry displays the selection applied during sendout. A selection is optional. This entry can therefore be empty.

    • Attribute for Uniform Distribution: This entry displays an attribute selected for uniform distribution in the split sendout. For more information, see Split Sendout Settings (window)​.

    • Main Sendout Criteria: This entry specifies which criteria was used to evaluate message performance and to determine which variation was sent as the main sendout. A criterion is defined when the split sendout is created. For these criteria, see ​Split Sendout Settings (window)​.
      The following criteria are available:

      • Highest Open Rate: The variation with the highest ​Confirmed Open Rate​ was sent as the main sendout.
        The Confirmed Open Rate is calculated as follows:

        Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers / Accepted messages

      • Highest Click Rate: The variation with the highest ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​ was sent as the main sendout.
        The CTR is calculated as follows:

        CTR = Clickers / Accepted messages​

      • Highest No. of Conversions (Total): The variation with the highest number of ​Conversions (Total) (per Message)​ is sent as the main sendout. In order to use this function, conversion tracking must be activated and a connection betweenEngage and your target page (e.g. shop confirmation page) must be in place. For more information see ​Calculation of Conversions​.

      • Lowest Unsubscribe Rate: The variation with the lowest number of resulting ​Unsubscribes​ was sent as the main sendout.

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