Split Sendout Settings (window)
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    Split Sendout Settings (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Messages​ > ​Draft Messages > Email​.
      ⇒ The ​Draft Messages​ window opens to the ​Email​ tab.

    2. To select messages for the split sendout, activate the check box next to the desired messages. You can select between two and ten messages for a split sendout.

    3. Click ​Split Sendout​.
      ⇒ The ​Split Sendout Settings​ window opens.


    In this window, you define the split sendout settings:

    • Select the group that is used for the split sendout.

    • Define the distribution of the split sendout.

    • Schedule the split sendout and main sendout.

    • Define criteria for the main sendout.

    Related Topics​





    Defines the group for the split sendout. If you schedule the main sendout to take place automatically, the remaining recipients in this group receive the main sendout.

    Split Distribution​

    Defines whether the portion of recipients in the split sendouts is defined as a percentage of the total group size or an absolute number.

    • ​'Message Name' is sent to _____ % of the recipients:​ Defines what percentage of the recipients in the group the specified message version is sent to. The number is entered as a percent. The sum of the selected recipients for the split sendout must be less than 100% of the group.

    • 'Message Name' is sent to _____ recipients:​ Defines the actual number of recipients in the group the specified message version is sent to. The amount is entered as an absolute number. The sum of the selected recipients for the split sendout must be less than the total number of recipients in the group.

    Time Zone​

    Defines the time zone that is used for the split sendouts. The selected time zone can be different from the time zone of the system user who creates the split sendout.

    ​Split Sendout​

    Defines when the variations are sent to the defined percentage or number of recipients.

    • ​All variations are sent on:​ Defines when the message variations are sent. All variations are sent simultaneously. It is not possible to create different schedules for different message variations.

    ​Main Sendout Starts​

    Defines whether the main sendout starts automatically after the split sendout is finished. To perform the main sendout, you must enter the time zone, date, and time.

    • Manually: ​Specifies that the main sendout does not take place after the split sendout is finished. Mapp Engage saves the all message variations as drafts.

    • ​Automatically: ​Specifies that the main sendout starts automatically after the split sendout is finished. The following options display when this option is activated:

      • Number or Percent of Recipients for Main Sendout:​ Display the number or percent of recipients remaining in the main sendout. This field refreshes automatically.

      • Main Sendout:​ Schedules the time and date on which the main message is sent.

      • Criteria:​ Specifies which criteria are used to evaluate the message performance. The message variation which has the best performance is used for the main sendout. If Mapp Engage cannot identify the most successful variant, Mapp Engage sends the first message that you selected for the split sendout in the main sendout. This variant appears first on the overview. The following performance evaluation criteria are available:
        ​Highest Opening Rate:​ The variation with the highest confirmed opening rate is sent as the main sendout. A confirmed open is one in which either the tracking pixel was displayed or the recipient clicked on a link in the email. The ​Confirmed Opening Rate​ equals ​Confirmed Openers / Accepted​.
        ​Highest Click Rate:​ The variation with the highest click rate (CTR) is sent as the main sendout.
        The ​CTR​ equals ​Clickers / Accepted.​
        ​Highest No. of Conversions:​ The variation with the largest number of conversions is sent as the main sendout. To use this criteria, conversion tracking must be set up for your Mapp Engage system.
        ​Lowest Unsubscribe Rate:​ The variation with the lowest number of resulting unsubscribes is sent as the main sendout.
        The ​Unsubscribe Rate​ equals ​ Unsubscribes / Accepted.​

    ​Draft Overview​

    Cancels the split sendout without saving any changes. The ​Draft Messages​ window opens.

    ​Check Split Message​

    Saves the split sendout settings. The ​Check Split Message​ window opens.

    ​Advanced Options​

    • ​Selection:​ Limits the split sendout to a defined subset of the group. If the main sendout is scheduled, the selection is also applied to the main sendout. If you use a selection for the split sendout, the split distribution must be entered in percentage. If you entered the split distribution in numbers, Mapp Engage automatically calculates the percentage.

    • ​Uniform distribution:​ Specifies various attributes that are evenly distributed in the split sendout. These attributes are compared to the basic population of the entire group. The selected recipients for the message variations represent the normal distribution of the attribute values within the group. A maximum of 5 attributes is selected for a uniform distribution.
      Statistically, an equivalent uniform distribution is also achieved in message variations without selected attributes. The calculation of a uniform distribution with specified attributes is time-intensive and reduces sendout speed significantly. Avoid high numbers of possible combinations of attribute values for the recipients. If the number of possible combinations of attributes is too large (over 20 combinations), the uniform distribution cannot be performed.


    If the split sendout is not finished when the main sendout is scheduled to be sent, Mapp Engage delays the main sendout for ten minutes. The ten-minutes delays can continue for a maximum of 24 hours. If the main sendout is still not processed 24 hours after the originally scheduled main sendout time, Mapp Engage cancels the main sendout.

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