Suppress System Message
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    Suppress System Message

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    Article summary


    To suppress the sendout of one of the system messages.

    All languages are suppressed.

    Background Information​

    Mapp Engage offers a default message (text email) for all existing system messages. It is possible to suppress any system message. When suppressed, the system message is never sent out by the system.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, click on ​Messages​ > ​System Messages.

    2. Use the tabs to navigate to the type message you would like to edit:

      • ​Group (General) ​system messages provide information pertaining to any group in Mapp Engage. These messages are used for all groups that do not have a specific group message available.

      • ​Group (Specific)​ system messages provide information pertaining to one specific group in Mapp Engage. When a specific group system message is created, the specific group message "overrides" the general group message.

      • ​System-wide​ system messages provide information pertaining to the entire Mapp Engage system.

    3. Click Suppress​ next to the system message you want to edit.
      ⇒  The selected system message is grayed out. The message status changes to ​overridden system wide​.

    4. To reactivate a suppressed sendout, select  ​Reactivate Sendout​ at any time.

      If a system message is suppressed under the ​Group general ​ tab, the message will be suppressed for every group under the the ​ Group specific​ tab, as well. The opposite is not true (suppressing a message in one specific group does not suppress the message in all other groups).

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