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    Article summary

    Mapp Academy is Mapp’s e-learning platform!

    Learn more about Mapp Intelligence on your own time, and in a more personalized way. Our courses include text, animations, videos, and quizzes. You can even earn certificates to display your skills!

    Intelligence Basic Courses

    Basic courses include everything you need to know to work with Mapp Intelligence. All these courses are also combined in a basic learning path. Click this link to enroll in the learning path.


    What you will learn

    A Brief Introduction to Web Analytics

    • What is web analytics, and what are its uses?

    • What is the most common approach to collecting web analytics data?

    Using the Frontend: Basics

    • How do I navigate through the Mapp Intelligence interface?

    • What's the difference between reports and analyses in Mapp Intelligence?

    • How do I create and edit analyses?

    Metrics, Formulas and KPIs

    • Why is it important to know about Basic Metrics?

    • What are KPIs and why are they important?


    • For which purposes do I use reports in Mapp Intelligence?

    • How do I create, edit, share, and export a report?

    • Which elements can I add to reports and what's their purpose?

    Basic Analyses

    • With the help of which analyses can you answer essential questions?

    • Where are the analyses located?

    • Which metrics are often used?

    Mapp Intelligence Basic Certification Test

    • Become a certified Mapp Intelligence basic user!

    • 30-minute test

    • 15 questions to answer

    • 70% passing score

    Intelligence Advanced Courses

    Advanced courses provide more details on important features. Click this link to enroll in the learning path.


    What you will learn


    • What is a process?

    • How do I interpret the process analysis?

    • How do I configure a process?

    Campaign Analyses

    • What are campaigns?

    • Which campaign analyses are often used?

    • What is a customer journey?

    • Which attribution models are available?

    Filter Engine

    • How are scopes working?

    • What’s the best way to negate filters?

    • How can I filter for a sequence?

    • How do time-related filters work?

    • Where and how can segments be used?

    RFM and RFE model

    • What are the RFM and RFE models?

    • What are typical use cases?

    • How do people get assigned to groups?

    Technical Onboarding

    • What can be tracked in Mapp Intelligence?

    • Which categories and parameters are available?

    • Which general approaches for tracking data does Mapp Intelligence offer?

    • How can I set up the tracking for websites?

    Reviewing Browser-based Tracking Data

    • How do I review which data is sent to Mapp Intelligence by using the Mapp Cloud Debugger Plugin?

    • How do I specifically check product data and data for custom parameters?

    Mapp Intelligence - Onsite Layers

    • What are Onsite Layers and what are they used for?

    • How do I set up an Onsite Layer marketing campaign?

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