System User Search (window)
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    System User Search (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    To access this window any time you want to search for a system user, click the ​Search​ button.


    This window lets you search your Mapp Engage system for a specific system user.





    Removes the values that are entered in the search fields. All system users are shown in the list.


    Applies the search criteria that are entered in the input files. Any system user who matches the search criteria is shown in the list.

    Select Contact​

    Copies the email address of the system user account to the input field where you clicked the ​Search​ button.




    Email Address​

    Defines the email address to use as criteria for the search. Mapp Engage only searches the local part of the email address (the characters that appear before the @ symbol). Enter at least three characters for your search criteria.

    First Name​

    Defines the first name to use as criteria for the search.

    Last Name​

    Defines the last name to use as criteria for the search.

    ​System Role​

    Defines the system role to use as criteria for the search.

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