Tag Integration: Updating the Mapp Intelligence Plugin
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    Tag Integration: Updating the Mapp Intelligence Plugin

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    Article summary

    This article shows the steps to update your Mapp Intelligence Plugin in Tag Integration.

    Using Tag Integration, you can update to a new version with only a few clicks.

    Step 1

    Log in to Tag Integration and choose the corresponding container. If you have a test environment, we recommend applying the update first.

    Step 2

    If a new version of the Mapp Intelligence Plugin is available, then at "Actions" the update symbol is visible.

    Step 3

    Which window is shown in this step depends on whether there are new mandatory fields for the Mapp Intelligence Plugin or not.

    1. No new mandatory fields.
      You only have to confirm that you want to apply the update.

    2. New mandatory fields.
      If you see the following window, then there are new mandatory fields that you can configure afterward. When you are finished, confirm that you want to apply the update. 

    Step 4 (Optional)

    Click on the Mapp Intelligence plugin and check the configuration. There may also be new optional fields. More information can be found in the release documentation.

    Step 5

    Publish the container.

    Step 6

    After 3 to 5 minutes, you can check the changes on your Website. Use a tool that shows the network traffic, e.g. the Web Developer Tools in Firefox.
    In the parameter "p" you see a couple of information. The first three digits show the version of the integrated Mapp Intelligence pixel. The update was successful if this number is the same as the version number shown in Tag Integration.

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