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    Article summary

    A tag is a keyword assigned to an element in Engage. This keyword you select is arbitrary - meaning that you can assign whatever keyword you want with few limitations. The tag becomes part of the element metadata and can be used as search criteria.


    • Quickly classify or describe ownership of elements. Add tags that group elements by category or add the name of the person or department responsible for creating content.

    • Limit search results to specific elements. Add tags that help you and other users locate items quickly in overview windows.

    • Develop workflows based on keyword assignment. Add tags that represent the status of an element and create your own processes.

    • Add hooks for use with an API. Add tags that are recognized in an external system to make API integration easier.

    Adding Tags to Messages​

    You can add tags to a message in the ​Compose Message window. This feature is available when you create a new message or edit an existing draft or prepared message. For more information, see Select Message Channel Type​.

    You can use tags as search or filter criteria in the following areas of Engage:

    You can also use tags as search criteria anywhere the message search is enabled in Engage.

    Adding tags to messages gives you the ability to filter for messages by keyword in the statistics. You can quickly select and compare the performance of selected message sendouts.


    Marco and Susan are working together on a seasonal promotion for a major retailer. Marco is responsible for men's shoes and clothing and Susan is responsible for cosmetics as well as women's shoes and clothing.

    They develop a strategy for using tags that helps them quickly compare the performance of messages for each department. Marco adds the following tags to his messages, based on the content of each:

    • Summer Sale, Mens, Shoes

    • Summer Sale, Mens, Clothing

    Susan adds the following tags to her messages, based on the content of each:

    • Summer Sale, Womens, Shoes

    • Summer Sale, Womens, Clothing

    • Summer Sale, Cosmetics

    As a result, they are both able to quickly analyse the success of messages for the entire promotion as well as for each department (men's, women's) or for each product type (shoes, clothing, cosmetics).

    Tags and the Engage API​

    The Engage API includes methods that you can use to work with tags. You can use this to make information available in an external application that uses the same keyword references.

    In addition to using tags with messages, the API allows you to manage tags for groups.

    For detailed information about the API see Engage API.

    Tags vs. Categories​

    Engage already provides tools for assigning elements to a category. While categories and tags are similar, there are advantages to using tags:



    You can only assign one category to an element.

    You can assign multiple tags to an element, up to 100 total.

    You must create the category before you can assign it to an element.

    You can reuse an existing tag or create new tags on the fly.

    Don't let that stop you from using categories, though. They still come in handy when working with selections and automations.

    Related Procedures​

    ​Add Tags to a Message​

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