Target Group Analysis (tab)
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    Target Group Analysis (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation, click    Statistics​ > Group Messages > Email.

    2. In the Actions​ column, click    |  ​View Statistics​ or the   symbol.

    3. In the Recipient Activity​ area, click ​View Details​.

      Click Recipient Activity​.

    4. Click Target Group Analysis​.


    Target group analysis allows you to compare the success of your messages with different target groups. For example, you can compare the success of your messages with different genders, age groups, or income brackets.

    When you change the attribute selected for target group analysis, the target group statistics for previous messages are deleted! Export the statistics before you change the selected attributes.

    You can select up to 2 attributes for target group analysis. The attributes must be enumerated and can contain a maximum of 10 values. You can always include the standard attributes Title and ​Date of Birth. These do not count toward the 2 possible attributes.

    You must select the attributes for target group analysis before you start the message sendout. For instructions, see Select Attributes for Target Group Analysis.

    Top 5 Target Groups: CTR​

    This area displays the 5 target groups with the highest acceptance rates who have clicked a link in the message. If no accepted rates for target groups are available for the message, the bar chart and the table display the information No data available.

    The target groups are listed according to decreasing recipient rate.

    Print and Export Options​

    • Print: Prints the chart.

    • Export: Exports the chart as an image file.


    The table lists recipients, openers, and clickers, including rates, for each target group.

    The links are sorted according to Accepted Rate or CTR. Click on the corresponding label in the grey bar to change the sorting method.

    • Attributes (drop-down list): These entries display the attributes used in the message, in alphabetical order. You can choose any two different attributes for comparison at one time in the target group analysis. By default, the graphic displays the attributes selected in the first drop-down list, and the second list is not selected. After attributes are selected, the graphic automatically updates.

    • Accepted / Rate: This column displays the number and rate of recipients in a certain target group.

      • Accepted: This is the number of messages sent to members of this target group that were accepted by the email providers' Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.
        Accepted messages in a target group are calculated as follows:

        Accepted = Messages Sent in the target group − Bounced messages in the target group​

      • Rate: This entry displays the percentage of messages sent to members of this target group that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.
        The accepted rate in a target group is calculated as follows:

        Accepted Rate = Accepted messages in the target group / Messages Sent in the target group​

    • Confirmed Openers/Rate: This entry displays the number and rate of openers of the message.

      • Confirmed Openers: This entry displays the number of recipients in the target group who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

      • Rate: This is the number of unique confirmed openers in a target group divided by the total number of accepted messages in this target group.
        This is calculated as follows:

        Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers in the target group / Accepted messages in the target group​

    • Clickers/CTR: This entry displays the number and rate of clickers on message links at the domain.

      • Clickers: This entry displays the number of recipients in this target group who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time. The statistical analysis of link clicks is available under the Link Analysis tab (see  ​Link Analysis (tab)​).

      • CTR (Click Through Rate): This entry displays the number of recipients in the target group who click on any link in the message divided by the total number of recipients in that target group.
        This is calculated as follows:

        CTR = Clickers in a target group / Accepted messages in a target group​

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