Step 2: Configuring and Activating the Plugin
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    Step 2: Configuring and Activating the Plugin

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    Article summary

    In this section, you will find the steps to integrate the plugin based on the used pixel integration.

    With the Teaser Tracking plugin, Mapp Intelligence enables you to perform extensive analyses of your onsite teasers.

    Through the integration of this plugin, teaser views and clicks are recorded automatically on your website. What's more, by configuring other parameters, such as html flagging for the teaser, you can describe it in detail and evaluate it together with your web analytics data.

    To analyze the effect of an individual teaser, engagement and conversions are calculated in addition to views and clicks. The engagement measurement for a special teaser is initiated as soon as the teaser is clicked. The engagement value is increased by 1 for every page opened following a teaser click. This continues until a web page target is reached or the user ends their website visit.

    Values recorded by the plugin are recorded for each specific teaser – either with aggregated daily values or, if available, in Live Analytics for the configurable periods. If other details are required, you can enter these yourself as custom event parameters.

    Once the parameters have been activated they will need to be configured for tracking. This is done in the Mapp Q3 tool under "Configuration > Custom Parameters > Event Parameters". Create one new parameter for each teaser and then select the predefined configuration for each one for the teaser tracking.

    The following list shows all recordable parameters and their predefined IDs:

    • Event parameter 520: Teaser - Placement

    • Event parameter 521: Teaser - Name

    • Event parameter 523: Teaser - Views

    • Event parameter 524: Teaser - Clicks

    • Event parameter 525: Teaser - Page Engagement

    • Event parameter 526: Teaser - Content

    • Event parameter 527: Teaser - Type

    • Event parameter 528: Teaser - Conversions

    Browser support

    The teaser-tracking plugin uses "querySelector" to find the configured teasers. This method is supported by the following browsers:

    • Internet Explorer version 8 or higher

    • Microsoft Edge

    • Firefox version 3.5 or higher

    • Google Chrome

    • Safari version 3 or higher

    • Opera version 10 or higher

    Methods and properties


    Get the name of the extension.

     * @type {string}


    Get the version of the extension.

     * @type {string}


    Set and get the current configuration of the extension.

    • viewPercent: Specify what percentage of the height and width of a teaser element must be visible in a user's viewport in order to recognize the teaser as "viewed". By default, teasers are sent when the HTML element is 100% visible in the user's viewport.

    • viewTime: Specify how long a teaser element has to be visible in the user's viewport in order to recognize the teaser as "viewed". By default, teasers are sent when the HTML element is visible in the user's viewport for 1000 milliseconds.

    • attribution: You can choose the attribution model, which will be used in connection of teasers to conversions or website goals.

      • first: Only the first teaser will be connected to the conversion or website goal.

      • last: Only the last teaser will be connected to the conversion or website goal.

      • all: All teasers will be connected to the conversion or website goal.

    • maxSendTeasers: Request limiting.

      • session: Define a limit for sending teasers within the browser session. By default, a maximum of 10000 teasers is permitted during the browser session. Enter "-1" for the value to enable capturing all teasers within a browser session.

      • page: Define a limit for sending teasers on a single page. By default, a maximum of 1000 teasers is permitted on a single page. Enter "-1" for the value to enable capturing all teasers on a page.

    • extendClickSelector: Here you can define an additional CSS selector which extends the list of clickable teaser elements within the teaser. By default, all links, areas, buttons, and input fields of type "submit" within the teaser element are marked for teaser click tracking. This configuration is related to each teaser you add via " wtstp_ttv2.push".

    • maxCookieSize: Here you can define the maximum size of the teaser tracking cookie. By default, 4000 characters are used. If you define "-1", no more teaser cookies will be set, which also deactivates the teaser conversion and engagement tracking.

    • clearConversions: Determines whether the cookie used to save the teaser information should be deleted following a successful conversion.

    • autoEngagements: Used to determine whether the teaser engagement information should be sent manually or automatically. If it is to be sent manually, the "wtstp_teaserEngagements" variable must be set on the desired pages.

     * @param {{
     *      [viewPercent=100]: number,
     *      [viewTime=1000]: number,
     *      [attribution="all"]: string,
     *      [maxSendTeasers]: {
     *          [session=10000]: number,
     *          [page=1000]: number
     *      },
     *      [extendClickSelector='']: string,
     *      [maxCookieSize=4000]: number,
     *      [clearConversions=true]: boolean,
     *      [autoEngagements=true]: boolean
     * }} [config]
     * @returns {object}


    Get the status, if the extension is enabled.

     * @returns {boolean}


    Activate the extension.



    Deactivate the extension.



    Recalculation of the view port for dynamic elements.



    // is teaser tracking activated
    var isActivated = wtSmart.extension.teaser_tracking.isActivated();
    // set teaser tracking config
        viewPercent: 100,
        viewTime: 1000,
        attribution: 'all',
        maxSendTeasers: {
            session: 10000,
            page: 1000
        extendClickSelector: '.clickable',
        maxCookieSize: 4000,
        clearConversions: true,
        autoEngagements: true
    // activate teaser tracking
    // recalculation of the view port
    // deactivate teaser tracking

    Initialisation of the teaser elements

    To flag the teaser elements you want to measure, add the configuration to the "wtstp_ttv2" array. The configuration for a teaser element is divided into "selector", "exclude", "data" and "conversion".

    Under " selector", enter the teaser element to be measured. You can either pass this directly as an HTML element or pass the respective CSS selector for the element. All links, areas, buttons, and input fields of type "submit" within one teaser element will be marked for teaser click tracking.

    If your teaser element is inside a shadow DOM element, specify the CSS selector of the shadow DOM element. If you have defined a CSS selector as the " selector", it will refer to the " shadowRoot" selector you have defined.

    Within " exclude" it's possible to define Links and Buttons, which should not be configured for teaser click tracking. You can set the HTML Element directly or the CSS selector of the element.

    Within " extend" it's possible to define an additional CSS selector which extends the list of clickable teaser elements within the teaser. By default, all links, areas, buttons, and input fields of type "submit" within the teaser element are marked for teaser click tracking. This configuration overwrites the global configuration " extendClickSelector" and only refers to the currently added teaser.

    Under " data", enter the teaser information for the teaser element. As mandatory information, pass the teaser name "name" or the teaser placement "rank" here. You can also pass additional teaser information here. This would be:

    • content: Teaser - Content

    • variant: Teaser - Variant

    You can define with " conversion" when a teaser should be connected to a conversion or website goal. Following configuration can be set:

    • type: Conversion Type (default - "product")

      • view: Teaser should be connected to conversion, if user saw the teaser.

      • click: Teaser should be connected to conversion, if user clicked the teaser.

      • product: Teaser should be connected to conversion, if user clicked the teaser and product is bought with the same name as the teaser name.

    • goal: Conversion Goal (default - "both")

      • order: Teaser should only be connected to conversion.

      • goal: Teaser should only be connected to website goal.

      • both: Teaser should be connected to conversion or website goal.

    • value: Conversion Value (default - conversion value is the same as the product cost)

      • percentage of order value: Percentage of order value (i.e. 5%).

      • fixed value: Fixed value (i.e. 15).

    window.wtstp_ttv2 = window.wtstp_ttv2 || [];
            selector: "li.item:nth-of-type(2)",
            shadowRoot: "#women-collection",
            exclude: [
                "li.item:nth-of-type(2) a:last-child"
            selector: "span",
            data: {
                name: "New Women Collection",
                rank: "Main Page Banner",
                content: "Women Collection",
                variant: "campaign"
            conversion: {
                type: "view", // view, click, product | default > product
                goal: "order", // order, goal, both | default > both
                value: "10%" // x% > of order value, x > fix value | default > product price

    Additional Functionality

    View tracking with dynamic teaser fade-in

    Teasers whose visibility is controlled via a "zIndex", a rotation of different teaser elements or using some other dynamic method, must also be flagged if they are to be displayed (regardless of whether they are in the visible monitor area or not).

    To do this the "seen" parameter must be provided in the "data" configuration object. It merely controls type recognition of the teaser during data entry/recording. View Tracking will be deactivated for this Teaser. Click-, Engagement- and Conversion-Tracking will still be activated.

    window.wtstp_ttv2 = window.wtstp_ttv2 || [];
            selector: "li.item:nth-of-type(2)",
            exclude: [
                "li.item:nth-of-type(2) a:last-child"
            data: {
                name: "New Women Collection",
                rank: "Main Page Banner",
                content: "Women Collection",
                variant: "campaign",
                seen: true
            conversion: {
                type: "view", // view, click, product | default > product
                goal: "order", // order, goal, both | default > both
                value: "10%" // x% > of order value, x > fix value | default > product price

    View tracking

    The visibility of teasers rotated on a page or whose visibility is controlled with the help of a "zIndex" cannot be recognized automatically. You can, however, record the views using manual view tracking.

    If you use a "zIndex" to flag teaser visibility, you will need to inform the plugin when a teaser is viewed. With this type, the teaser is only flagged with click, engagement, and conversion tracking.

    If you want to manually track the teaser views, call the following method with the teaser configuration:

    window.wtstp_ttv2 = window.wtstp_ttv2 || [];
                name: "New Women Collection",
                rank: "Main Page Banner",
                content: "Women Collection",
                variant: "campaign"

    If the teaser should be connected to the conversion if it was viewed, use the parameter "cType".

    window.wtstp_ttv2 = window.wtstp_ttv2 || [];
                name: "New Women Collection",
                rank: "Main Page Banner",
                content: "Women Collection",
                variant: "campaign",
                cType: "view"

    Via tha parameter "cGoal" and "cValue" can be configured which goal should lead to conversion and which value should be tracked.

    window.wtstp_ttv2 = window.wtstp_ttv2 || [];
                name: "New Women Collection",
                rank: "Main Page Banner",
                content: "Women Collection",
                variant: "campaign",
                cType: "view",
                cGoal: "goal",
                cValue: "15"

    Adjustment of the conversion pages

    With the "wtstpt_easerConversions" variable you can define further conversion targets in addition to your order confirmation page. On these pages the "wtstp_teaserConversions" variable must be set in the source code.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var wtstp_teaserConversions = true;

    Adjustment of the engagement pages

    If you wish to measure engagement manually you will need to set the variable "wtstp_teaserEngagements" on the respective engagement pages.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var wtstp_teaserEngagements = true;

    Integrate the teaser tracking plugin into the container in which the webpage to be measured is located.

    To add plugins the desired container, proceed as follows:

    1. In the container overview, select the required container by clicking the corresponding entry.

    2. Click Add Plugin. You will be forwarded to the overview of all available plugins.

    3. Select the Teaser tracking plugin by clicking the appropriate button. The plugin configuration dialog opens.

    4. Now enter the following information:




      Select the attribution to be used for the conversion or website target:

      • First teaser: Only the first teaser associated with the conversion or website target.

      • Last teaser: Only the last teaser associated with the conversion or website target.

      • All teasers: All teasers associated with the conversion or website target.

      Visible on (percent)

      Optional. Specify what percentage of the height and width of a teaser element should be visible in the user's viewport to recognize the teaser as "viewed".

      By default, teasers are sent if the HTML element is 100% visible in the user's viewport.

      Visible after (seconds)

      Optional. Specify how long a teaser element should be visible within the user viewport to recognize the teaser as "viewed."

      By default, teasers are sent when the HTML element is visible in the user's viewport for 1000 milliseconds.

      Limit requests per page

      Optional. Request limitation: Define a limit for sending teasers on a single page. By default, a maximum of 1000 teasers is allowed on a single page. To capture all teasers on a single page, enter "-1".

      Limit requests per session

      Optional. Request limitation: Define a limit for sending teasers within the browser session. By default, a maximum of 10000 teasers is allowed during the browser session. To be able to capture all teasers within a browser session, enter the value "-1".

      Attribute name

      Optional. Specify the attribute name of the teaser element containing the teaser information (compatibility mode for teaser tracking version 1).

      Maximum cookie size

      Optional. Specify the size of the cookie in byte. Default is 4000.

      Delete teaser cookie after conversion

      Optional. Activate the checkbox to determine that the cookie in which the teaser information is stored will be deleted after a successful conversion.

      Additional conversion pages

      Optional. Click + Additional conversion pages to add a page area where a conversion takes place.

      Send engagement automatically

      Optional. Activate the checkbox to specify that teaser engagements are sent automatically.

      When sending manually, you must define the variable wt_teaserEngagements on the desired pages.

      Additional engagement pages

      Optional. Click on + Additional engagement pages to add a page area where an engagement should be sent.

    5. In the Assign rules area, you define the page areas on which the measurement is to be carried out.

    6. Finally, click Add plugin.

    1. Download the JavaScript file from the download area.

    2. The configuration object "wt_teaserTrackingConfig_v2" is located inside the plugin. Make the following adjustment:

      window.wt_teaserTracking = function(conf) {
      	if ((conf.mode === "page" || conf.mode === "config") && conf.requestCounter === 1) {
      		var wt_teaserTrackingConfig_v2 = window.wt_teaserTrackingConfig_v2 || {
      			teaserAttribute: "",
      			viewPercent: 100,
      			viewTime: 1000,
      			attribution: "all",
      			maxSendTeasers: {
      				session: 10000,
      				page: 1000
      			maxCookieSize: 4000,
      			clearConversions: true,
      			autoEngagements: true
         		// ......




      Specify the attribute name of the teaser element containing the teaser information (compatibility mode for teaser tracking version 1).


      Specify what percentage of the height and width of a teaser element should be visible in the user's viewport to recognize the teaser as "viewed ."

      By default, teasers are sent if the HTML element is 100% visible in the user's viewport.


      Specify how long a teaser element should be visible within the user viewport to recognize the teaser as "viewed."

      By default, teasers are sent when the HTML element is visible in the user's viewport for 1000 milliseconds.


      Select the attribution to be used for the conversion or website target:

      • first: Only the first teaser associated with the conversion or website target.

      • last: Only the last teaser associated with the conversion or website target.

      • all: All teasers associated with the conversion or website target.


      Request limitation.

      • session: Define a limit for sending teasers within the browser session. By default, a maximum of 10000 teasers is allowed during the browser session. To be able to capture all teasers within a browser session, enter the value "-1".

      • page: Define a limit for sending teasers on a single page. By default, a maximum of 1000 teasers is allowed on a single page. To capture all teasers on a single page, enter "-1".


      Optional. Specify the size of the cookie in byte. Default is 4000.


      true = The cookie in which the teaser information is stored is deleted after a successful conversion.


      true = Teaser engagements are sent automatically.

      When sending manually, you must define the variable "wt_teaserEngagements" on the desired pages.

    3. After you have adapted the Javascript file according to your requirements, insert the script before the "webtrekk_v4.min.js" in your HTML document.

      <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file/pixel-teasertracking-v2.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file/webtrekk_v4.min.js"></script>
    4. You can use the parameter executePluginFunction in the tracking pixel to activate the plugin functionality. You can make the setting either in the configuration variable (webtrekkConfig) or as a parameter of the pixel object.
      Example global configuration

      var webtrekkConfig = {
      	trackId: "111111111111111",
      	trackDomain: "",
      	domain: "",
      	executePluginFunction: "wt_teaserTracking"

      Example page-specific configuration

      var wt = new webtrekkV3();
      wt.contentId = "de.startseite";
      wt.executePluginFunction = "wt_teaserTracking";

      A semicolon separates multiple plugins.

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