Testing eCommerce Tables
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    Testing eCommerce Tables

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    Article summary

    General Information

    This guide explains how to verify that your Abandoned Cart and Wishlist eCommerce tables are correctly updated based on contacts' actions on your website. By following the steps outlined below, you can ensure that your system accurately reflects user interactions, allowing you to track and manage customer engagement effectively.


    Before proceeding, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

    1. Enable User Matching and Registration via Intelligence: This ensures that contact data is accurately matched and recorded in your eCommerce tables.

    2. Consistent Product Identifiers: Use the same product identifier across the eCommerce Product Catalog and the Abandoned Cart/Wishlist eCommerce tables. This uniformity is crucial for accurate tracking and data consistency.


    Follow the steps below, using the provided example data to test and verify the updates:

    Example Data

    • Contact ID: 99247650
      How to find it: Navigate to Audience > Contact Management > All Contacts, and search by the email address to retrieve the Contact ID.

    • Product Identifier: 1812
      How to find it: Use a debugger (such as the Mapp Cloud Debugger) to check the product identifier. In Mapp Intelligence, it’s represented by the ba parameter; in Mapp Engage, it’s the productSKU.


    1. Ensure that the Product is in the Product Catalog

      • In Mapp Engage, go to Administration > eCommerce > Product Catalog.

      • Search for ProductSKU 1812 to confirm that the product has been correctly added to the Product Catalog.

      • If the product is not there, make sure to add it. For more information, see Manual Import & Search of eCommerce Data.

    2. Add the Product to the Cart or Wishlist

      • Log in to your online store.

      • Add the product (identified by ProductSKU 1812) to your cart or wishlist.

    3. Check Abandoned Cart/Wishlist Table

      • In Mapp Engage, navigate to Administration > eCommerce > Abandoned Cart/Wishlist.

      • On the Data/User tab, enter the UserPK (Contact ID) 99247650 and click Search.

      • Alternatively, on the Data/ProductSKU tab, search using the Key Prefix 1812-99247650.

      • Expected Outcome: The system should show that Contact ID 99247650 has product 1812 in their cart or wishlist.

    4. Remove the Product from the Cart or Wishlist

      • Return to your online store and remove the product from your cart or wishlist.

    5. Verify Product Removal

      • On the Data/ProductSKU tab, enter the Key Prefix 1812-99247650 and click Search.

      • Alternatively, you can search on the Data/User tab using the UserPK (Contact ID) 99247650.

      • Expected Outcome: The entry should no longer be found in the eCommerce table, indicating that the product has been successfully removed from the cart or wishlist.

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