Track Push & In-App Notifications for Flutter
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    Track Push & In-App Notifications for Flutter

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    Article summary

    Once you've installed the Mapp Engage SDK flutter plugin and updated the AppConfig.plist, you can implement push and in-app notification tracking. You can find another example in our sample flutter app.

    Implement the Mapp Engage SDK delegate methods to track the receiving/opening of push notifications:

    import 'package:mapp_sdk/mapp_sdk.dart';
    //initialize mapp sdk
    await MappSdk.engage(Config.sdkKey, Config.googleProjectId, Config.server,
            Config.appID, Config.tenantID);
    // add listeners for delegate methods
        MappSdk.handledRemoteNotification =
            (dynamic arguments) => remoteNotificationHandler(arguments);
     MappSdk.handledRichContent =
            (dynamic arguments) => richContentHandler(arguments);
    //Android only methods
      MappSdk.handledPushOpen =
            (dynamic arguments) => pushOpenedHandler(arguments);
        MappSdk.handledPushDismiss =
            (dynamic arguments) => pushDismissedHandler(arguments);
        MappSdk.handledPushSilent =
            (dynamic arguments) => pushSilentHandler(arguments);
    //define methods from listeners
      void remoteNotificationHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("remote Notification received!");
      void richContentHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("rich Content received!");
      void pushOpenedHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("Push opened!");
      void pushDismissedHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("Push dismissed!");
      void pushSilentHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("Push silent!");

    Next, For in-app notification tracking, you need to include tracking as follows:

    // add listeners for delegate methods
    MappSdk.didReceiveDeepLinkWithIdentifier = (dynamic arguments) =>
        MappSdk.didReceiveInappMessageWithIdentifier = (dynamic arguments) =>
        MappSdk.didReceiveCustomLinkWithIdentifier = (dynamic arguments) =>
        MappSdk.didReceiveInBoxMessages =
            (dynamic arguments) => didReceiveInBoxMessagesHandler(arguments);
        MappSdk.inAppCallFailedWithResponse =
            (dynamic arguments) => inAppCallFailedWithResponseHandler(arguments);
        MappSdk.didReceiveInBoxMessage =
            (dynamic arguments) => didReceiveInBoxMessageHandler(arguments);
    //define methods for listeners
      void didReceiveInappMessageWithIdentifierHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("Inapp message received!");
      void didReceiveCustomLinkWithIdentifierHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("Custom Link With Identifier received!");
      void didReceiveInBoxMessagesHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("Inbox Messages received!");
        _showMyDialog("Inbox messages", "", jsonEncode(arguments));
      void inAppCallFailedWithResponseHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("inApp Call Failed received!");
      void didReceiveInBoxMessageHandler(dynamic arguments) {
        print("Inbox Message received!");

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