Tracking with Mapp Engage
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    Tracking with Mapp Engage

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    Article summary

    General Information

    Mapp Engage saves comprehensive statistics and provides this information for real-time evaluation.

    The statistics reflect two basic types of data:

    • Data from your Mapp Engage system (for example, the number of addresses stored in each group, or message sendout times).

    • Data about the success of your messages (for example, contact activity and feedback from ISPs).

    Available Message Tracking Data​

    The statistics for each message include the following four main areas of analysis.

    Statistics Area


    ​Delivery Performance​

    Provides essential details about message sendout and delivery.

    Recipient Activity​

    Provides in-depth analysis of how your contacts responded to your email.

    ​Losses and Potential Reach​

    Reveals problems that appeared during the sendout, and any potential new contacts made through forwards.


    Analyses whether your messages led to a desired conversion goal, such as a purchase or event registration.

    Performance Measurement​

    Use the following functions in Mapp Engage to measure the performance of your messages.

    Track Message Opens

    To measure the open rate, add a tracking pixel to your message. This invisible "image" is downloaded automatically from the Mapp Engage server when the message is opened. Each recipient has a unique link parameter that is embedded in the link to the tracking pixel. This parameter enables Mapp Engage to determine who opened the message.

    Track Link Clicks

    The links in the email are redirected (for an imperceptibly short time) to the Mapp Engage system, before taking the reader to the target landing page. This redirection is not noticeable to the recipient. However, this redirect is sufficient for Mapp Engage to identify the message and the clicker and to save this information in the statistics.

    ​Comparative Analysis​

    Mapp Engage lets you compare the performance of from 2 through 50 messages. The ​Top 5 Messages​ chart provides you with a quick visual display of your best-performing messages. Mapp Engage selects the five best-performing messages based on their click-through rate (CTR). The click-through rate is a clear indicator of whether your contacts are engaging with the content of your messages.

    Related Topics

    How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success​
    Conversion Tracking

    Additional Tracking and Statistics Possibilities​

    The information in Mapp Engage can be expanded with the help of various features and integrations.

    The following options are available:

    Tracking Option


    Web Analytics Integrations

    An integrated web analytics tool helps you to evaluate your website data as related to your email campaigns. The integration of an external web analytics tool allows you to track the behavior of your recipients on your website following an email campaign.

    Parameters in Message Links

    When you add a hyperlink to a message, you can add parameters that insert information into the URL. These parameters can contain static values, personalization placeholders, and Mapp Engage Variables. When personalized, Mapp Engage replaces the placeholders in the links during sendout with the corresponding value that is stored in the system. When a contact clicks the link, Mapp Engage transmits the link parameter to a web analytics tool or e-commerce system.


    • Your message contains a link to your e-commerce platform. The link parameters contain values from the contact profile that you can use to personalize the website for each recipient.

    • Your message contains a link to a website or blog. The link parameters contain values from Mapp Engage that tell you which message contained the link. This information helps you track statistics in your web analytics platform.

    Inbox Monitoring

    Inbox Monitoring tests deliverability at the most important ISPs. Mapp Engage creates a seed list (a set of test addresses) at 20 of the largest and most important ISPs to test deliverability rates. Inbox Monitoring is enabled on a group basis. The results are displayed in the message statistics under the ​​Domains​​ tab. Inbox Monitoring is activated for an entire group, not for one specific message.

    Conversion Tracking

    Conversion tracking is a method to track the success of your messages. When you set up conversion tracking you define a goal page on your website or web shop. Mapp Engage tracks whether contacts who read your message find their way to this goal page. When this goal page is reached, you have a successful conversion. For example, you can track whether contacts complete a purchase, register for an event, or complete another defined action.

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