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    Article summary

    Here are some common issues you might encounter when integrating the Mapp Intelligence React Native SDK, along with suggested solutions:

    Issue 1: CocoaPods Installation Failure on iOS

    Problem: Running pod install fails with an error, preventing the installation of necessary iOS dependencies.


    1. Ensure that CocoaPods is installed correctly by running sudo gem install cocoapods.

    2. Try clearing the CocoaPods cache by running pod cache clean --all.

    3. Delete the Podfile.lock and Pods/ directory from your iOS project and run pod install again.

    Issue 2: Android Build Fails with SDK Compatibility Errors

    Problem: The Android build fails, indicating that the SDK version is not compatible.


    1. Check the build.gradle files to ensure that the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion are set to at least 21.

    2. Ensure that your JDK version is 17 or higher.

    3. If you recently updated the SDK, clean your project by running ./gradlew clean and rebuild.

    Issue 3: Initialization Fails with Network Errors

    Problem: The SDK fails to initialize due to network issues, such as an inability to reach the tracking domain.


    1. Verify that the TRACK_DOMAIN URL is correct and accessible from your development environment.

    2. Check your network connection and any firewall settings that might block outgoing requests.

    3. Ensure that the app has the necessary permissions to access the internet on both Android and iOS platforms.

    Issue 4: Data Not Appearing in Mapp

    Problem: Tracking data does not appear in Mapp Intelligence.


    1. Ensure that the TRACK_IDS and TRACK_DOMAIN are correctly configured during initialization.

    2. Check if tracking requests are being sent by inspecting network logs or using a debugging proxy.

    3. Verify that the initWithConfiguration method has been called successfully and that the SDK is initialized correctly.

    4. Be aware that data updates in Mapp Intelligence occur on an hourly basis. This means that there may be a delay of up to one hour before newly tracked data appears in the dashboard. If data is not visible immediately, please allow some time before checking again.

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