User Management (window)
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    User Management (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Top Navigation​, click  > Settings
      ⇒ The ​Account​ window opens.

    2. Click ​User Management​.
      ⇒ The ​User Management​ window opens.


    Review requests to be approved as system users. Get an overview of approved system users, their names, email addresses, roles, and assigned user group.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Create a system user.

    • Approve a request to become a system user.

    • Edit a system user.

    • Change the role of a system user.

    • Delete a system user.




    Create User​

    Opens the ​Create User​ window to create a system user.

    Opens the window where you update the entries for the selected system user.

    Deletes the selected system user after a confirmation prompt.

    Pending Users​



    ​Last Name​

    Shows the last name of the system user to be approved.

    ​First Name​

    Shows the first name of the system user to be approved.

    ​Email address​

    Shows the email address of the system user to be approved.


    Shows the date on which the request to become a system user was submitted.

    Approved Users​



    ​Last Name​

    Shows the last name of the system user.

    ​First Name​

    Shows the first name of the system user.

    ​Email address​

    Shows the email address of the system user.


    Shows the role assigned the system user:

    • User

    • Manager:​ A manager has permission to create, edit, and delete system users. Managers can assign system users to user groups and specify their status as active or inactive.


    Shows the user group to which the system user is assigned. A system user can be assigned to only one group at a time.

    Related Topics​

    ​Create a System User​
    ​Create a Manager​
    ​Create a User Group​

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