Using Customized Order Confirmation Emails to promote Customer Loyalty
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    Using Customized Order Confirmation Emails to promote Customer Loyalty

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    Article summary

    Watch this video to learn how to benefit from customized order confirmation emails based on an example of Adobe Commerce.

    All steps we mention in the video are listed below, with the relevant links to documentation.


    Navigation path



    Messages > Prepared Messages > Email

    • Create a prepared email message, "Order Confirmation".

    • Add your email content (default template).

    • Customize the message:

      • Add the order confirmation ID to the subject line using the personalization placeholder "parameter.order_id".

      • Optionally, use the more complex personalization rule to display different content depending on the loyalty level of the customer. See Getting Started with Personalization in Mapp Engage.

    • Save the message as a draft, select the sendout conditions, and then save it as a Prepared Message.

    Create more messages with shipping details, invoices, etc. For more information, see Prepared Messages.


    Stores > Mapp Connect > Messages

    (in Adobe Commerce)

    Configure the shop system to send prepared messages:

    • Replace the default message with the prepared message, "Order Confirmation".

    • Uncheck the Use system value checkbox.

    For more information, see Transactional Emails.

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