Visitors, Monthly Unique
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    Visitors, Monthly Unique

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    Article summary

    Shows the amount of different visitors per month.

    It is often used in analyses, that don't show a development over time (e.g. campaigns).


    A visitor accesses the website on 3 different days within one month. He is counted only once (e.g. in the campaign analysis).

    In case a visitors accesses the website on 2 days in 2 months (e.g. 25.02. and 01.03.) he is counted twice (once per month).

    Visitors are identified either based on the cookie and/or a submitted customer ID.

    • Don't use this metric in time analyses, that show a smaller time interval than "Months" (e.g. "Days", "Hours"...). In this case the calculation is done automatically per used time interval.

    • If you use the metric in a month analysis (dimension "Months") double countings can occur. All users, whose visit lasted from the previous day until the first of a month are counted again, when another visit is made within the month. In this case, use the metric "Visitors".

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