Web Push
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    Web Push

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    Article summary

    This plugin allows you to integrate the Web Push channel of Mapp Engage.

    What is Web Push?

    Web Push notifications help you to improve customer engagement by reaching end-users through their preferred browser!

    The approach follows the native Web Push and Notification standards, which allow messages to be sent and received in the background (e.g. customer’s website does not need to be opened to receive a message, but it is only the Browser that needs to be active).

    In Mapp Engage you are able to:

    • Create and edit Web Push notifications

    • Send website notifications to all or specific customers

    • Schedule the send out of those notifications, or send them immediately

    • Overview, copy, or delete the created notifications


    Getting Started with Web Push

    Technical Requirements and Download

    How does it work

    Implementing the Web Push Plugin


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