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What is the Standard Scope of a specific dimension or metric?
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This article lists the standard scopes of the single dimensions and figures.
Here you can download the overview as an Excel file.
What's a Standard Scope?
Mapp Intelligence links dimensions and metrics in different ways to user activity. This link is referred to as the standard scope.
Further information can be found in the training chapter Segmentation and Filter Options.
What do I need this information for?
This information is important to interpret data correctly and to effectively create filters and custom metrics. It is, for example, important to answer the following questions:
What does a metric mean if I combine it with a specific dimension?
How are dimensions linked in a Pivot table?
Which scopes are available in which filters?
The table below shows all available dimensions including their standard scope. Please find additional information (Dimension type; further remarks) in the Excel file.
Title of Dimension (English) | Title of Dimension (German) | Standard Scope |
[Campaign Category] | [Kampagnenkategorie] | Actions |
[Campaign Parameter; Single Value] | [Kampagnenparameter; einzelner Wert] | Actions |
[Content Groups] | [Contentgruppe] | Pages |
[E-Commerce Parameter; Several Values] | [E-Commerce Parameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) |
[E-Commerce Parameter; Single Value] | [E-Commerce Parameter; einzelner Wert] | Actions |
[Event Parameter; Several Values] | [Aktionsparameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) |
[Event Parameter; Single Value] | [Aktionsparameter; einzelner Wert] | Actions |
[Media Categories] | [Medienkategorie] | Actions |
[Name of Process] Exit Process Steps | [Name des Prozesses] Ausstiegsprozessschritte | Pages |
[Name of Process] Process Steps | [Name des Prozesses] Prozessschritte | Pages |
[Page Parameter; Several Values] | [Seitenparameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) |
[Page Parameter; Single Value] | [Seitenparameter; einzelner Wert] | Pages |
[Product Categories] | [Produktkategorie] | Direct (Atomic) |
[Session Parameter; Several Values] | [Sessionparameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) |
[Session Parameter; Single Value] | [Sessionparameter; einzelner Wert] | Visits |
[User Categories] | [Besucher-Kategorie] | Visits |
Ad Media | Werbemittel | Actions |
Ad Media Path | Werbemittelpfad | Actions |
Ad Media Path (Aggregated) | Werbemittelpfad (aggregiert) | Actions |
Bounce Pages | Bounceseiten | Pages |
Brand Search | Brand-Suche | Pages |
Browser | Browser | Visits |
Browser Language | Browsersprache | Visits |
Browser Name | Browsername | Visits |
Browser Resolution | Browserauflösung | Visits |
Browser Vendor | Browseranbieter | Visits |
Browser Version | Browserversion | Visits |
Browser Version (major) | Browser, Hauptversion | Visits |
Browser Version (minor) | Browser, Nebenversion | Visits |
Campaign Type | Kampagnentyp | Actions |
City | Stadt | Visits |
Cohorts (Daily) | Kohorten (täglich) | Visits |
Cohorts (Lifespan Days) | Kohorten (Lebensspanne Tage) | Visits |
Cohorts (Lifespan Months) | Kohorten (Lebensspanne Monate) | Visits |
Cohorts (Lifespan Weeks) | Kohorten (Lebensspanne Wochen) | Visits |
Cohorts (Monthly) | Kohorten (monatlich) | Visits |
Cohorts (Weekly) | Kohorten (wöchentlich) | Visits |
Color Depth | Farbtiefe | Visits |
Connection Speed | Internetgeschwindigkeit | Visits |
Cookie | Cookie | Visits |
Country | Land | Visits |
Custom Visitor Id | Eigene Besucher-ID | Visits |
Date of First occurrence [Dimension Name] | Datum erstes Vorkommen [Dimensionsname] | Actions |
Days | Tage | - |
Depths of Engagement | Eindringtiefen | Visits |
Device Class | Endgeräte Klasse | Visits |
Device Class in Customer Journey | Endgeräte Klasse in Customer Journey | - |
Device Family | Endgeräte Familie | Visits |
Device Model | Endgeräte Modell | Visits |
Device Name | Endgeräte Name | Visits |
Devices | Endgeräte | Visits |
Devices in Customer Journey | Endgeräte in Customer Journey | - |
Devices Producer | Endgeräte Hersteller | Visits |
End device Visitor Ids | Endgeräte Besucher-IDs | Visits |
Entry Page | Einstiegsseite | Pages |
Entry Sources | Einstiegsquellen | Visits |
Entry Sources Type | Einstiegsquellen-Typen | Visits |
Events | Aktionen | Actions |
Exit Page | Ausstiegsseite | Pages |
External Search Phrases | Externe Suchphrasen | Pages |
External Search Words | Externe Suchbegriffe | Pages |
First occurrence [Dimension Name] | Erstes Vorkommen [Dimensionsname] | Actions |
Follower Pages | Nachfolgerseiten | Pages |
Form Field Values | Formularfeldwerte | Actions |
Form Fields | Formularfelder | Actions |
Forms | Formulare | Actions |
Hours | Stunden | - |
Internal Search Phrases | Interne Suchphrasen | Pages |
Internal/External Campaign | Interne/externe Kampagne | Pages |
Internet Provider | Provider | Visits |
Java | Java | Visits |
Javascript | Javascript | Visits |
Media | Medien | Actions |
Media ad (Landingpage) | Werbemittel (Landingpage) | Pages |
Media Bandwidth (Bit/Second) | Medienbandbreite (Bit/Sekunde) | Actions |
Media Chapters | Medienabschnitte | Actions |
Media Player Actions | Medienplayer Aktionen | Actions |
Media Player Mute | Medienplayer lautlos | Actions |
Media Player Volume | Medienplayer Lautstärke | Actions |
Media Run Time (Minutes) | Medienspieldauer (Minuten) | Actions |
Minutes | Minuten | - |
Months | Monate | - |
New vs. Returning | Neu vs. Stamm | Visits |
Operating System | Betriebssystem | Visits |
Order ID | Bestellnummer | Actions |
Order Time | Bestellzeit | Actions |
Organization | Organisation | Visits |
Other Sources | Sonstige Referrer | Pages |
Page URL | Seiten-URL | Pages |
Pages | Seiten | Pages |
Plugins | Plugins | Visits |
Preceding Pages | Vorgängerseiten | Pages |
Product Added to Cart | In den Warenkorb gelegte Produkte | Actions |
Product List Position | Produktlistenposition | Actions |
Product Status | Produktstatus | Actions |
Products | Produkte | Actions |
Products Added to Wishlist | Zur Wunschliste hinzugefügte Produkte | Actions |
Products Removed from Cart | Aus dem Warenkorb entfernte Produkte | Actions |
Products Removed from Wishlist | Von Wunschliste entfernte Produkte | Actions |
Purchased Products | Gekaufte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) |
Quarters | Quartale | - |
Referrer URLs | Referrer-URLs | Pages |
Region | Region | Visits |
Screen Resolution | Bildschirmauflösung | Visits |
Search Engines | Suchmaschinen | Pages |
Search Phrases (Campaigns) | Kampagnensuchphrasen | Actions |
Search Phrases Path | Suchphrasenpfad | Actions |
Search Phrases Path (Aggregated) | Suchphrasenpfad (aggregiert) | Actions |
Second Follower Pages | Zweite Nachfolgerseiten | Pages |
Second Preceding Pages | Zweite Vorgängerseiten | Pages |
SEM Keywords | SEM Keyword | Actions |
Session IDs | Session IDs | Visits |
Social Media Sources | Social Media-Referrer | Pages |
Source | Trafficquelle | Actions |
Source - Organic vs. Campaign | Referrer-Kosten | Pages |
Traffic Source - Organic vs. Campaign | Einstiegsquellen-Kosten | Visits |
Traffic Sources Path | Trafficquellenpfad | Actions |
Traffic Sources Path (Aggregated) | Trafficquellenpfad (aggregiert) | Actions |
User - Age | Besucher - Alter | Visits |
User - City | Besucher - Wohnort | Visits |
User - Country | Besucher - Land | Visits |
User - Days between contacts | Besucher - Tage zwischen Kontakten | Visits |
User - Days between orders | Besucher - Tage zwischen Bestellungen | Actions |
User - Days since Contact | Besucher - Kontakt vor Tagen | Visits |
User - Days since Order | Besucher - Bestellung vor Tagen | Actions |
User - Discount Value | Besucher - Rabattwert | Actions |
User - E-Mail Opt-in | Besucher - E-Mail Opt-in | Visits |
User - Email Receiver Id | Besucher - E-Mail Receiver-ID | Visits |
User - Gender | Besucher - Geschlecht | Visits |
User - Last Visit | Besucher - Letzter Besuch | Visits |
User - Last Visit with a Purchase | Besucher - Letzter Kauf-Besuch | Visits |
User - Macro Status | Besucher - Makro Status | Visits |
User - Micro Status | Besucher - Mikro Status | Visits |
User - Order Value | Besucher - Bestellwert | Actions |
User - Orders | Besucher - Bestellungen | Actions |
User - Orders w. Discount | Besucher - rabattierte Bestellungen | Actions |
User - Page Impressions | Besucher - Page Impressions | Visits |
User - Postal Code | Besucher - Postleitzahl | Visits |
User - RFE Group | Besucher - RFE Gruppe | Visits |
User - RFM Group | Besucher - RFM Gruppe | Actions |
User - Street | Besucher - Straße | Visits |
User Profile - Days since First Contact | Besucher Profil - Erster Kontakt vor Tagen | Visits |
User Profile - Days since Last Contact | Besucher Profil - Letzter Kontakt vor Tagen | Visits |
User Profile - Days since Last Order | Besucher Profil - Letzte Bestellung vor Tagen | Visits |
User Profile - Discount Value | Besucher Profil - Rabattwert | Visits |
User Profile - Last Micro Customer Journey | Besucher Profil - Letzte Mikro Customer Journey | Visits |
User Profile - Last Micro Customer Journey | Besucher Profil - Letzte Mikro Customer Journey | Visits |
User Profile - Macro Status | Besucher Profil - Makro Status | Visits |
User Profile - Micro Status | Besucher Profil - Mikro Status | Visits |
User Profile - Order Value | Besucher Profil - Bestellwert | Visits |
User Profile - Orders | Besucher Profil - Bestellungen | Visits |
User Profile - Orders w. Discount | Besucher Profil - rabattierte Bestellungen | Visits |
User Profile - Page Impressions | Besucher Profil - Page Impressions | Visits |
User Profile - RFE Group | Besucher Profil - RFE Gruppe | Visits |
User Profile - RFM Group | Besucher Profil - RFM Gruppe | Visits |
User Profile - Visits | Besucher Profil - Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Visits | Besucher - Visits | Visits |
Viewed Products | Angesehene Produkte | Actions |
Visit Time | Besuchszeit | Visits |
Visitor Id | Besucher-ID | Visits |
Website Goals | Webseitenziele | Actions |
Weekdays | Wochentage | - |
Weeks | Wochen | - |
Years | Jahre | - |
The table below shows all available metrics including their standard scope. To provide a complete list of all figures, the table also includes formulas. Please find additional information (figure type; information on count metrics; further remarks) in the Excel file.
Title of Figure (English) | Title of Figure (German) | Standard Scope | Auto Scope |
[Content Groups] | [Contentgruppe] | Pages | Pages |
[E-Commerce Parameter; Several Values] | [E-Commerce Parameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) | Direct (Atomic) |
[E-Commerce Parameter; Single Value] | [E-Commerce Parameter; einzelner Wert] | Actions | Actions |
[Event Parameter; Several Values] | [Aktionsparameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) | Direct (Atomic) |
[Event Parameter; Single Value] | [Aktionsparameter; einzelner Wert] | Actions | Actions |
[Independent Parameters; Single Value] | [Unabhängige Parameter; einzelner Wert] | - | - |
[Media Categories] | [Medienkategorie] | Actions | Actions |
[Name of Process] Process Step Amount | [Name des Prozesses] Prozessschrittanzahl | Visits | Visits |
[Name of Process] Process Step Conversion Rate % | [Name des Prozesses] Prozessschrittkonversionsrate % | - | - |
[Name of Process] Process Step Exit Rate % | [Name des Prozesses] Prozessschrittausstiegsrate % | - | - |
[Name of Process] Process Step Exits | [Name des Prozesses] Prozessschrittausstiege | Visits | Visits |
[Page Parameter; Several Values] | [Seitenparameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) | Direct (Atomic) |
[Page Parameter; Single Value] | [Seitenparameter; einzelner Wert] | Pages | Pages |
[Product Categories] | [Produktkategorie] | Direct (Atomic) | Direct (Atomic) |
[Session Parameter; Several Values] | [Sessionparameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) | Direct (Atomic) |
[Session Parameter; Single Value] | [Sessionparameter; einzelner Wert] | Visits | Visits |
[Time Categories] | [Zeitkategorie] | - | - |
[User Categories] | [User-Kategorie] | Visits | Visits |
% of All Visitors | Anteil an allen Visitors % | - | - |
% of All Visits | Anteil an allen Visits % | - | - |
Value Products not Purchased | Wert nicht gekaufte Produkte | - | - |
Active Users daily (DAU) | Aktive Userm täglich (DAU) | Visits | Visitors |
Active Users monthly (MAU) | Aktive User, monatlich (MAU) | Visits | Visitors |
Active Users weekly (WAU) | Aktive User, wöchentlich (WAU) | Visits | Visitors |
Add to Shopping Cart Rate % | In den Warenkorb legen-Rate % | - | - |
Avg Play Duration | Wiedergabedauer Ø | - | - |
Avg Run Time | Spieldauer Ø | - | - |
Avg. Order Value (Month N) | Bestellwert Ø (Monat N) | - | - |
Bouncerate % | Bouncerate % | - | - |
Bounces | Bounces | Pages | Visits |
Brand Search % | Brand-Suche % | - | - |
Browsers, Unique | Browser, Unique | Visits | Visitors |
Campaign Clicks | Kampagnenklicks | Actions | Pages |
Campaign Costs Sales Relation % | Kampagnenkosten-Umsatz-Relation % | - | - |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts | Kontakte in Customer Journey | Actions | Actions |
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts Avg | Kontakte in Customer Journey Ø | - | - |
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Avg Days) | Dauer der Customer Journeys (Tage) Ø | - | - |
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Days) | Dauer der Customer Journeys (Tage) | Actions | Actions |
Campaign Views | Kampagnenansichten | Actions | Pages |
Click Rate % | Klickrate % | - | - |
Clicks | Klicks | Actions | Pages |
Clicks per Visit | Klicks pro Visit | - | - |
Contacts in Customer Journey, Unique | Kontakte in Customer Journey, Unique | Actions | Actions |
Conversion Initiator | Konversionsauslöser | Actions | Actions |
Conversion Initiator % | Konversionsauslöser % | - | - |
Conversion Rate (Month N) % | Konversionsrate (Monat N) % | - | - |
Conversion Rate % | Konversionsrate % | - | - |
Conversion Rate % ([Best Depth of Engagement]) | Konversionsrate % ([beste Eindringtiefe]) | - | - |
Conversion Rate New Visitors, Unique | Konversionsrate Neubesucher, eindeutig | - | - |
Conversion Rate, Unique | Konversionsrate, Unique | - | - |
Conversion Supporter | Konversionsunterstützer | Actions | Actions |
Conversion Supporter % | Konversionsunterstützer % | - | - |
Conversion Transformer | Konversionsumwandler | Actions | Actions |
Conversion Transformer % | Konversionsumwandler % | - | - |
Conversions | Konversionen | Actions | Pages |
Conversionvalue | Konversionswert | Actions | Actions |
Conversionvalue Avg | Konversionswert Ø | - | - |
Day in Customer Journey Ø | Tag in Customer Journey Ø | - | - |
Duration (Seconds) | Verweildauer (Sekunden) | Pages | Pages |
Engagement (Campaigns) | Engagement (Kampagnen) | Actions | Pages |
Engagement Avg (Campaigns) | Engagement (Kampagnen) Ø | - | - |
Entries | Einstiege | Pages | Visits |
Entry Rate % | Einstiegsquote % | - | - |
Exit Rate % | Ausstiegsquote % | - | - |
Exits | Ausstiege | Pages | Visits |
Form Abandon Rate % | Formularabbruchquote % | - | - |
Form Field Abandon Rate % | Formularfeldabbruchrate % | - | - |
Form Field Completion Rate % | Formularfeldausfüllrate % | - | - |
Form Fields Abandons | Formularfeldabbrüche | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Maximum Run Time % | Spieldauerfortschritt % | - | - |
Media Run Time | Medienspieldauer | Actions | Actions |
Media Views | Medienansichten | Actions | Pages |
Media Views complete | Medienansichten vollständig | Actions | Actions |
New Visit Rate % | Neubesuchrate % | - | - |
New Visitor Rate % (Campaigns) | Neubesucherrate (Kampagnen) % | - | - |
New Visits | Neu Visits | Visits | Visitors |
Order Value | Bestellwert | Actions | Actions |
Order Value Avg | Bestellwert Ø | - | - |
Organic Source % | Generischer Referrer % | - | - |
Page Duration Avg | Seitenverweildauer Ø | - | - |
Page Impr. per Visit | Page Impressions pro Visit Ø | - | - |
Page Impressions | Page Impressions | Pages | Visits |
Page Impressions, Unique | Page Impressions, Unique | Pages | Visits |
Play Duration | Wiedergabedauer | Actions | Actions |
Position in Campaign Lifecycle Avg. | Position in Customer Journey Ø | - | - |
Position in Customer Journey % | Position in Customer Journey % | - | - |
Process Step Amount | Prozessschrittanzahl | Pages | Visits |
Process Step Conversion Rate % | Prozessschrittkonversionsrate % | - | - |
Process Step Conversions | Prozessschrittkonversionen | Pages | - |
Process Step Exit Rate % | Prozessschrittausstiegsrate % | - | - |
Process Step Exits | Prozessschrittausstiege | Pages | Visits |
Product Conversion Rate | Produktkonversionsrate % | - | - |
Product in List CTR | Produkt in Liste CTR | - | - |
Product List Position | Produktlistenposition | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Product List Position Avg. (products added to cart) | Produktlistenposition Ø (In den Warenkorb gelegte Produkte) | - | - |
Product List Position Avg. (Products Added to Wishlist) | Produktlistenposition Ø (zur Wunschliste hinzugefügte Produkte) | - | - |
Product List Position Avg. (purchased products) | Produktlistenposition Ø (Gekaufte Produkte) | - | - |
Product List Position Avg. (viewed products in list) | Produktlistenposition Ø (Angesehene Produkte in Liste) | - | - |
Product List Position Avg. (viewed products) | Produktlistenposition Ø (Angesehene Produkte) | - | - |
Product Views per Visit | Produktansichten pro Besuch | - | - |
Products in Basket Avg | Produkte pro Warenkorb Ø | - | - |
Products not Purchased % | Anteil nicht gekaufte Produkte % | - | - |
Qty [Content Groups] | Anzahl [Contentgruppe] | Pages | Visits |
Qty [E-Commerce Parameter; Several Values] | Anzahl [E-Commerce Parameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty [E-Commerce Parameter; Single Value] | Anzahl [E-Commerce Parameter; einzelner Wert] | Actions | Pages |
Qty [Event Parameter; Several Values] | Anzahl [Aktionsparameter; mehrere Werte] | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty [Event Parameter; Single Value] | Anzahl [Aktionsparameter; einzelner Wert] | Actions | Pages |
Qty [Independent Parameters; Single Value] | Anzahl [Unabhängige Parameter; einzelner Wert] | - | - |
Qty [Media Categories] | Anzahl [Medienkategorie] | Actions | Pages |
Qty [Page Parameter; Several Values] | Anzahl [Seitenparameter; mehrere Werte] | Actions | Pages |
Qty [Page Parameter; Single Value] | Anzahl [Seitenparameter; einzelner Wert] | Pages | Visits |
Qty [Product Categories] | Anzahl [Produktkategorie] | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty [Session Parameter; Several Values] | Anzahl [Sessionparameter; mehrere Werte] | Pages | Visits |
Qty [Session Parameter; Single Value] | Anzahl [Sessionparameter; einzelner Wert] | Visits | Visitors |
Qty [User Categories] | Anzahl [User-Kategorie] | Visits | Visitors |
Qty Products not Purchased | Anzahl nicht gekaufte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | - |
Qty Ad Media, Unique | Anzahl Werbemittel, Unique | Actions | Pages |
Qty Brand Search | Anzahl Brand-Suche | Pages | Visits |
Qty Campaign Source | Anzahl Kampagnen Referrer | Pages | - |
Qty Campaign Source % | Anzahl Kampagnen Referrer % | - | - |
Qty External Search Phrases | Anzahl Externe Suchphrasen | Pages | Visits |
Qty External Search Words | Anzahl Externe Suchbegriffe | Pages | Visits |
Qty Form Fields Displayed | Formularfeldaufrufe | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Form Started | Formularaufrufe | Actions | Pages |
Qty Internal Search Phrases | Anzahl Interne Suchphrasen | Pages | Visits |
Qty Media Player Actions | Anzahl Medienplayer Aktionen | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Media, Unique | Anzahl Medien, Unique | Actions | Pages |
Qty Orders | Anzahl Bestellungen | Actions | Pages |
Qty Product Added to Cart | Anzahl in den Warenkorb gelegte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Product List Position | Anzahl Produktlistenposition | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Product Views | Anzahl Produktansichten | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Products Added to Wishlist | Anzahl zur Wunschliste hinzugefügte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Products not Purchased | Anzahl nicht gekaufte Produkte | - | - |
Qty Products Removed from Cart | Anzahl aus dem Warenkorb entfernte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Products Removed from Wishlist | Anzahl von Wunschliste entfernte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Products, Unique | Anzahl Produkte, Unique | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Purchased Products | Anzahl gekaufte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Qty Sources | Anzahl Referrer | Pages | Visits |
Rank in Basket | Warenkorbplatzierung | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Rank in Basket Avg | Warenkorbplatzierung Ø | - | - |
Returning Visit Rate % | Stammbesuchrate % | - | - |
Returning Visitor (Campaigns) | Stammbesucher (Kampagnen) | Actions | Pages |
Returning Visits | Stamm Visits | Visits | Visitors |
Run Time | Spieldauer | Actions | Actions |
Products not Purchased % | Anteil nicht gekaufte Produkte % | - | - |
Submit Rate % | Formularversandquote % | - | - |
Time in Campaign Lifecycle (Days) | Zeitpunkt in Customer Journey kumuliert (Tage) | Actions | Actions |
Time prior to Conversion Avg (Impulse Conversion) | Zeit vor Konversion Ø (Impulskonversion) | - | - |
Turnover Rate % | Umsatzanteil % | - | - |
User - Campaign New Visitor CLV | Besucher - Kampagnen Neubesucher CLV | - | - |
User - Days between contacts | Besucher - Tage zwischen Kontakten | Visits | Visits |
User - Days between contacts Avg. | Besucher - Tage zwischen Kontakten Ø | - | - |
User - Days between orders | Besucher - Tage zwischen Bestellungen | Actions | Actions |
User - Days between orders Avg. | Besucher - Tage zwischen Bestellungen Ø | - | - |
User - Days to 1st Order Avg. | Besucher - Tage bis zur ersten Bestellung Ø | - | - |
User - Predicted Churn Probability % | Besucher - Prognostizierte Abwanderung % | Visits | Visits |
User - Predicted Conversion Probability % | Besucher - Prognostizierte Konversion % | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Conversion Rate % | Besucher Profil - Konversionsrate % | - | - |
User Profile - Days Since First Contact | Besucher Profil - Erster Kontakt vor Tagen | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Discount Value | Besucher Profil - Rabattwert | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Order Value | Besucher Profil - Bestellwert | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Order Value Avg. | Besucher Profil - Bestellwert Ø | - | - |
User Profile - Orders | Besucher Profil - Bestellungen | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Orders w. Discount | Besucher Profil - rabattierte Bestellungen | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Orders with Discount Rate % | Besucher Profil - Bestellungen mit Rabatt % | - | - |
User Profile - Page Impressions | Besucher Profil - Page Impressions | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Return shipment Share % | Besucher Profil - Retourenquote % | - | - |
User Profile - Returns | Besucher Profil - Retouren | Visits | Visits |
User Profile - Visit Frequency Avg. (Days) | Besucher Profil - Besuchsfrequenz Ø (Tage) | - | - |
User Profile - Visits | Besucher Profil - Visits | Visits | Visits |
User with more than Three Devices % | User mit mehr als drei Geräten % | - | - |
User with One Device % | User mit einem Gerät % | - | - |
User with Three Devices % | User mit drei Geräten % | - | - |
User with Two Devices % | User mit zwei Geräten % | - | - |
Value Product Added to Cart | Wert in den Warenkorb gelegte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Value Product Views | Wert Produktansichten | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Value Products Added to Wishlist | Wert zur Wunschliste hinzugefügte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Value Products not Purchased | Wert nicht gekaufte Produkte | - | - |
Value Products Removed from Cart | Wert aus dem Warenkorb entfernte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Value Products Removed from Wishlist | Wert von Wunschliste entfernte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Value Purchased Products | Wert gekaufte Produkte | Direct (Atomic) | Actions |
Visit Duration Avg | Visitverweildauer Ø | - | - |
Visitors | Visitors | Visits | Visitors |
Visitors (Campaigns) | Visitors (Kampagnen) | Actions | Pages |
Visitors, Daily Unique | Visitors, täglich eindeutig | Visits | Visitors |
Visitors, Monthly Unique | Visitors, monatlich eindeutig | Visits | Visitors |
Visitors, returning % (Month N) | Wiederkehrende Visitors % (Monat N) | - | - |
Visitors, Weekly Unique | Visitors, wöchentlich eindeutig | Visits | Visitors |
Visitors, Yearly Unique | Visitors, jährlich eindeutig | Visits | Visitors |
Visits | Visits | Visits | Visitors |
Visits (Mediacode Entry) | Visits (Mediacode-Einstieg) | Actions | Pages |
Visits (Mediacode Entry) % | Visits (Mediacode-Einstieg) % | - | - |
Visits Organic | Visits Generisch | Visits | Visitors |
Visits Organic % | Visits Generisch % | - | - |
Visits per Visitor | Visits pro Visitor | - | - |
Visits with Brand Search Phrase | Visits mit Brand-Suchphrase | Visits | Visitors |
Visits with Brand Search Phrase % | Visits mit Brand-Suchphrase % | - | - |
Visits with Search Phrase | Visits mit Suchphrase | Visits | Visitors |