Whiteboard Components
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    Whiteboard Components

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    Article summary

    In this page you'll find all available steps to add to your Whiteboard. Click on the links to find out more information and get started!


    Use the ​Wait​ or ​Schedule​ steps to place a delay between the events, jobs, or filters on your whiteboard plan.


    Element Name




    Events react immediately to the activity of a contact. A Mapp Engage system or an external system such as an API can also perform the action.


    Event Name

    Reacts to Email Message

    Reacts to SMS

    In-App Message Delivered

    ​Email Response Received

    Push Response Received

    ​Single Email Message Sent to Contact

    Enters Group

    Exits Group

    Enters / Exits Web Audience (Mapp Acquire)

    Changes Profile Attribute

    Changes Member Attribute

    Transaction Registered

    Product Catalog Event

    App Event

    Web Event (Acquire)

    Related Data: User-Specific Record Added

    Wishlist Event

    Abandoned Cart Event

    Mapp Connect External Event

    Multiple Event


    A job is the action that Mapp Engage carries out when a contact reaches the corresponding step on the whiteboard plan.



    Whiteboard Audience

    ​Import Contacts

    Send Email

    Send SMS

    Send Push Notification

    Send Web Push Message

    Display In-App Message

    Split Email Sendout

    Split Push Sendout

    Send Direct Mail

    Send AMP Message

    Send Email To System User

    ​Change Profile Attribute

    Add to / Remove from Group

    Transfer Between Groups

    Add To / Remove From Web Audience (Mapp Acquire)

    Related Data: Add / Update Record

    Send HTTP Request

    ​Add to Blacklist

    Delete Contact

    Generate Export

    Generate Report

    Export Contacts

    Data Import


    Filters check the behavior or profile values of your contacts. All filters can be used to create a split. 




    Attribute Value

    ​Group Membership

    Email Reaction

    Random Split

    Best Channel

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