Why are dynamic time intervals sometimes 'wrong'?
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    Why are dynamic time intervals sometimes 'wrong'?

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    Article summary

    If you select a dynamic time interval, you expect to get the data in relation to today. For example, if you chose "Last 7 days" you should get data of the 7 days before today. But sometimes, you will see a different time interval.

    The reason is that the dynamic time interval depends on the day on which an account has received data the last time. If, for example, the most recent data is from 3 days ago then this day is regarded as "today". The dynamic time interval then relates to that day.

    The problem can happen for new or test accounts with little data.

    To avoid this problem, there are two possibilities.

    • Send Pixel requests manually or per cronjob to have data in your account daily. The Pixel documentation describes such requests' composition (NoScript Pixel).

    • Mapp can configure your account to receive so-called "ping" requests several times daily. To activate this function, please contact our service team.

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