Why are new categories in the user management automatically assigned to certain roles?
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    Why are new categories in the user management automatically assigned to certain roles?

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    Article summary

    Rights management in Mapp Intelligence is based on roles: To each role, one or more users can be assigned. For each role rights can be set, e.g., for access to reports. Further, categories can be assigned to each role: A user in a certain role has access to all reports of all categories that are assigned to this role.

    To each role to which full access to reports was has been set, all categories must be assigned. Therefore, newly created categories are assigned automatically to these roles.


    Consider a role "Analyst" for which "Full Access" is set for reports:

    Users of the role analyst now have access to all reports from all categories. With this configuration, it is not possible to permit or forbid access to certain reports.

    Assume that the user "Max" is assigned to this role:

    Max can see, edit and delete all reports and create reports in any category (but he does not necessarily have the rights to configure Custom Formulas and Metrics or the see and configure the User Management).

    Now assume that a category "Marketing" is newly created.

    For the "Admin" role, as well as for the "Analyst" role, "Full Access" is set; both roles have to be set to both categories. Consequently, also the category "Marketing" is assigned to these roles.

    Right after the category has been created, the user "Max" automatically has access to the category "Marketing" and can assign newly created reports to this category. Further, he will have access to all reports that are assigned to this category in the future.

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