Why does Marketing Automation get stuck at catalog import?
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    • Dark

    Why does Marketing Automation get stuck at catalog import?

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Switch to "Marketing Automation". If you see the message "The catalog import is currently in progress. You can start your first Marketing Automation campaign shortly." then no product catalog has been imported so far.

    "Product Catalog" means a list of products with product categories associated with them. In order to create and import a product catalog, you have to execute the following steps.

    1. It is necessary that at least one product has been tracked (see E-Commerce > Products to check if products have been tracked).

    2. Create one (or more) product category (if not already created). For creating a new product category go to Configuration > Categories > Product Categories > New Category.

    3. Assign product categories to the products.

    Step 3 can be done using a feed import or Excel import.

    For a feed import go to Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Feeds > New Feed and choose "Feed Type" = "Import", "Data Type" = "Product Categories" and select the categories to be imported.
    The advantage of using a feed is that an import can be automatically repeated to update the product catalog.

    For an Excel import go to Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Categories > Product Categories. Click at the button at the tab "Product Categories". Choose the tab "Export" and click on the button "Export".
    You will get an Excel file containing products. For at least one product add at least one category. Import the updated Excel file.

    Note, that it is not possible to import products this way.

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