API Endpoints
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API Endpoints

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Article summary

Available API Methods

Mapp Connect is a simple async API with methods to:


List Mapp Engage groups, prepared emails, push and SMS messages, and mobile App ID.


Add or update data for:

  • User:

    • Create a contact in Mapp Engage (non-existing contacts require a group ID in the payload to be subscribed in the system).

    • Update an existing contact (group ID is not required), unsubscribe, or remove a contact.

  • Email:

    • Send a prepared email message to the contact with parameters.

    • Send a prepared email message to a group (without parameters).

  • SMS: Send a prepared SMS message to the contact (mobile number or email field is required) with parameters.

  • Push: Send a prepared push message to the contact (mobile number or email field is required) with parameters.

  • Transaction: Add or delete order details to contact and send an order message.

  • Wishlist: Add or delete a Wishlist item from the contact profile.

  • Abandoned Cart: Add or delete abandoned cart products from the contact profile.

  • Automation: Trigger whiteboard automation from a third-party app (see Set Up a Mapp Connect Automation Event).

  • Product Catalog: Create, update, and/or delete a product catalog item in Mapp Engage.

  • Coupon: Create a coupon.

  • Batch import: Send up to 1000 requests at once.






List of Email prepared Messages


List of Mobile Apps


List of Push prepared Messages


List of SMS prepared Messages



Call Template

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event{?subtype=<subtypeName>}

The request body can contain any JSON object.

Response: HTTP status code


Please note that the names used in calls need to be the same as the names used in your mapping. 

Add a user and subscribe to the group

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=user

Example of sent event:


Response: HTTP status code

Remove a user

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=user

FLAG: 'delete'

Example of sent event:


Response: HTTP status code

Send a prepared SMS message to a user with parameters

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=sms

MessageId is the ID of the prepared message. You can use 'email', 'recipientMobileNumber' or 'recipientId' as an identifier.

Example of sent event:


Response: HTTP status code

Send prepared Push message to a user with parameters

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=push

'pushMessageId' is the ID of the push message template (not the campaign), 'mobileAppId' refers to the app that should be used, and 'email' is used as a user identifier. 

Example of sent event:

   "param1":"param 1 value"       

Response: HTTP status code

Send a single message with parameters

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=email

MessageId is the ID of the prepared message.

Example of sent event:


Response: HTTP status code

Send a single message to a user with "externalTransactionFormula"

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=email

Request body can contain any JSON object. 

MessageId it's an ID of the prepared message.

Example of sent event:


Response: HTTP status code

For more information, see:

Send a group message

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=email

MessageId it's an ID of the prepared message.

Example of sent event:


Save transaction details in the Transactions eCommerce table

This call stores transaction (order) details in the Transactions eCommerce table and, optionally, sends a transactional email.

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=transaction

MessageId is the ID of the prepared message.

Example of sent event:

  "email": "test.example@mapp.com",
  "messageId": "9634",
  "items": [
  "sku": "JB-129",
  "name": "George-H",
  "price": "15",
  "qty_ordered": "1"
  "group": "8262",
  "orderId": "06032023",
  "transaction_date": "2020-04-28T12:30:08.537Z",
  "currency": "GBP"

The "messageId" parameter is optional

  • If provided, the transaction is saved/updated, and a message with the provided messageId is sent to the given email address.

  • If not provided, only the transaction is saved/updated.

Remove a transaction from the Transactions eCommerce table

This call removes the transaction from the eCommerce table.

   "orderId": "12345",
   "email": "test@test.com",
   "delete": "true"

Product Catalog

This call adds/deletes a new product to/from the Product Catalog.

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=product

Example of sent event:


"productSKU": "aaa-bbb-ccc",
"productName": "someName",
"productPrice": "123",
"productURL": "http://somedomain.com"


"productSKU": "aaa-bbb-ccc",
"delete": "true"

Abandoned Cart / Wishlist

Example "default" JSON payloads for "Generic" integration type:


   "email": "test.example@mapp.com",
   "sku": "0602-2023-123",
   "createdAt": "2022-05-14T17:25:43.511Z",
   "price": "25",
   "size": "M"

If the contact doesn't exist in Mapp Engage, the data will not be saved.


   "sku": "0602-2023-123", 
   "email": "test@mapp.com",  
   "delete": "true"

Add a single coupon code

POST /integration/<INTEGRATION ID>/event?subtype=coupon

Example of sent event:

   "listName":"campaing1",  //if list does not exist, it will be created   

Batch import: send multiple requests at once

POST /integration/<integrationID>/event/batch?subtype=<subtype>

The maximum payload of a batch request is 1000 events. If the payload exceeds 1000, the entire payload is discarded and throws an exception (400).

The body needs to be sent as an array, for example:

    "nosto_segments":"High Value Customers area New York"
    "nosto_segments":"High Value Customers area New York"

Recommended product


"email": "test.example@mapp.com",
"sku": "0602-2023-123",
"accuracy": "12",
"model": "25"


{ "sku": "0602-2023-123", "email": "test@mapp.com", "delete": "true"}

Related Data: Add

Mandatory parameters: datasetName / key / importMode / attributes

  • Add
    Example of sent event:

     "datasetName": "testrdlistname", 
     "key" : "123",
     "attributes" : {
       "description" : "some description",
       "price" : "567"
  • Bulk add
    Example of sent event:

    "testrdlistname","123","add","{'description':'some description','price':'567'}"

Related Data: Update

Mandatory parameters: datasetName / key / importMode / attributes
Optional parameter: filter

  • Update
    Example of sent event:

     "datasetName": "testrdlistname", 
     "key" : "123",
     "attributes" : {
       "description" : "change description",
       "price" : "890"
     "filter" : {
       "description" : "lorem ipsum"
  • Bulk update
    Example of sent event:

    "testrdlistname","123","update","{'description':'change description','price':'890'}","{'description':'lorem ipsum'}"

Related Data: Delete

Mandatory parameters: datasetName / key / importMode
Optional parameter: filter

  • Delete
    Example of sent event:

     "datasetName": "testrdlistname", 
     "key" : "123",
     "filter" : {
       "description" : "lorem ipsum"
  • Bulk delete
    Example of sent event:

    "testrdlistname","123","delete","{'description':'lorem ipsum'}"

Postman Sandbox

This Postman collection can be used to test your authentication credentials and all endpoints. To use it, create a free Postman account online or in their free app and upload the collection.

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