4. Event Data
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    4. Event Data

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click​ Data Management​ > Exports​.

      ⇒The ​Exports overviewwindow opens.

    2. Click the ​Create​ button.
      ⇒ Wizard step ​1. Type​ opens.

    3. Follow the wizard to step ​4. Event Data​.

    Step 4. Event Data​

    This step defines which event data is included in the export. All event data can be freely and flexibly combined to create the export.

    In the export file, selected events always correspond to the relevant message.


    Select at least one event to generate the export file.

    The ​Events​ area contains all the types of event data available for export.

    For a detailed description of the types of data available for export in each category, see ​Raw Data Export File​.


    • Cancel:​ This button ends the creation or editing of the export, after an additional confirmation request. All changes are lost.

    • ​Show Column Names:​ This button opens the ​Column Names​ window. This window provides an overview of all available data types and the default name of the corresponding column in the export file (see Column Names (window)​).

    • Back:​ This button opens the previous step in the wizard.

    • Next:​ This button opens the next step in the wizard.

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