6. Export Configuration
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    6. Export Configuration

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation, clickData Management​ > Exports​.

      ⇒ The ​Exports overviewwindow opens.

    2. Click the ​Create​ button.
      ⇒ Wizard step ​1. Type​ opens.

    3. Follow the wizard to step ​6. Export Configuration​.

    Step 6. Export Configuration​

    This step defines the file format and settings of the export.

    Export Configuration​

    The minimum file size is 10 MB (megabytes).

    • Format:​ Defines the output format of the export file.

      • CSV:​ Exports the data as a CSV file. Additional configurations are available for CSV data.

      • XML:​ Exports the data as an XML file.

      • XSLT:​ Exports the data with the transformations contained in the style sheet you selected. XSLT style sheets transform XML documents into the desired output format.
        Style Sheet:​ Defines a style sheet for the export file. To create specific style sheets, contact your customer service representative.

    • Encoding:​ Defines the type of encoding for the file. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_encoding. UTF-8 is recommended for western languages.

    • ​Export Even When Empty:​ Defines whether a file is exported when there is no data available.

      • No:​ If no data is available for export, an export file is not generated.

      • Yes:​ An export file is generated even if there is no data available for export. If no data is available, the export file only contains the column names.

    • Split Files:​ These buttons specify whether the export is divided into several smaller files.

      • No:​ The export is not divided into multiple files. The system creates an export file with a maximum of 9999 MB (megabytes). If the volume of data exceeds this amount, the export automatically continues in a new file. If compression is configured, the file size is calculated after the file is compressed.

      • Yes:​ The export is divided into multiple files. ​Yes​ is the default setting. This function is helpful if the external tool you use to evaluate the exported files only accepts files of a certain size. The minimum size per split file is 100 MB.
        ​Maximum File Size (MB):​ This input field defines the maximum file size in megabytes that can be reached before the export continues in a new file. The default file size limit is 9999 MB (approximately 10 GB). If compression is configured, the file size is calculated after the file is compressed.

    We highly recommend file compression for all exports.

    • Compression:​ Defines whether a file is compressed and the type of compression that is used. We strongly recommend file compression.

    • ​File Name:​ Defines the structure of the file name. The name can be freely defined.
      The default structure is export-${exportDef.exportType}-${exportDef.PK}-${ecx:fmtDate(export.creationDate, 'yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss', 'UTC', 'de_DE')}
      When resolved, the name appears as follows (example): export-generic-12345678-2013_09_01_12_12_15

      • ${exportDef.exportType}: This placeholder inserts the export type into the file name. The name of the export type is ​export-generic​.

      • ${exportDef.PK}: This placeholder inserts an export ID into the file name. The ID is a unique number. The system automatically assigns it when the export is created. It is not possible to change this ID.

    • Destination:​ Defines whether the file is uploaded to an FTP, SFTP, or FTPS server.

      • URL:​ Defines the server address where the file is saved. The format of the server address is displayed according to the protocol selected on the user interface.

      • ​Test Connection:​ Tests whether the location to which the export is saved is entered in the correct format and export to the server is possible. When the button is clicked, Engage uses the URL to establish a connection to the target server. No folders or files are created.

    The URL test can have the following results:





    Engage successfully connected to the server.

    No action is required.

    Syntax Error

    The URL of the server does not match the required syntax.



    Check the syntax of the specified server path and correct the error.

    Unsupported Protocol

    The protocol is not supported.



    The selected protocol for the server path is incorrect. Select the appropriate protocol from the ​Save Location​ drop-down list. Check the connection and try again.

    Unknown Host

    The URL of the server cannot be interpreted.



    Engage does not recognize the server host. Check the input.

    Connection Error

    The time limit for establishing the connection has been exceeded.

    Retest the connection.

    All Other Errors

    The connection has failed for various reasons.

    Check the username and password combination (applies to the use of wildcards to transfer security).

    The CSV File Configuration Area​

    The ​CSV File Configuration​ area is visible when the ​CSV​ file format is selected from the ​Format​ drop-down list. Additional configuration options for the export file are available in this area.

    • Structure:​ This area defines how the data are displayed in the CSV file.

      • Separator:​ Defines the separator between entries in the CSV file (for example, comma or semicolon).

      • Delimiter:​ Defines the delimiter that is used in the CSV file. The delimiter defines fields where special characters are used. The default delimiter is straight quotation marks. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values.

      • Line Separator:​ Defines the type of line break in the CSV file. A line break (also called newline or end-of-line (EOL) marker) is a special character which marks the end of a line of text.
        Unix:​ Unix and Unix-like systems (for example, Mac OS X) use the line break character LF. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline.
        Windows:​ Windows systems use the line break character CR+LF. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline.

    • Table:​ This area defines individual names for the columns of data that is selected for export. These fields are necessary, for example, when your external data-evaluation tool requires special column names to interpret the data correctly. It is also possible to alter the order of the columns in the export file.

      • Position:​ Defines the order of the columns and their respective data in the export file.
         Moves the selected column by one row down. In the CSV file, the column is moved to the right.
         Moves the selected column by one row up. In the CSV file, the column is moved to the left.

      • Data:​ Shows the data types that are selected in steps 4 and 5. Only the data types which are selected for export display. Both the data type and category are listed. The order in the table (top to bottom) corresponds to the order of the columns in the CSV file (left to right).

      • Column Header:​ Shows the name of the columns of the CSV file. The column names can be edited.
         Resets the column headers to the Engage default names. The button is only visible for columns with edited names. If you move your mouse over the button, a tooltip displays the default name.


    • Cancel:​ This button ends the creation or editing of the export, after an additional confirmation request. All changes are lost.

    • Back:​ This button opens the previous step in the wizard.

    • Next:​ This button opens the next step in the wizard.

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